Welcome to the Faculty. If you are on this page, I hope you are considering coming to join the largest intensive care statutory organisation in the UK. By joining, you are contributing to the promotion of training and education, improved standards of care, and better outcomes for our patients and their families. It would be great if the future of critical care could benefit from your experience and passion.
As a FICM member you have access to the ‘My RCoA’ portal, where you can access your FICM membership details and update the information we hold about you quickly and easily. MyRCoA is also the portal for viewing the BJA online platform.
How your membership counts
The Faculty would not be able to undertake its work without the support of its membership. By joining, you allow us to take forward a significant number of work streams for the future good of our services. Read our Strategic Aims for more on what the Faculty is able to do with your ongoing support. You can also read our magazine Critical Eye, and Critical Works updates for more information.
In order to improve our services, we try to keep as much of what we do as free and open access, from education to standards.
How you can get involved
Our Getting Involved webpage includes information on the major committee positions and Faculty roles that members can apply to. Our members-only monthly e-newsletter, Dean’s Digest, gives up to date critical care news and details on ongoing consultations, surveys and opportunities to get involved.
How can I join?
Take a look at our Membership Flowchart for a quick guide to which category of membership is right for you.

Maternity Leave
If you are soon to go on maternity leave or are already on maternity leave you may opt to put your subscription into ‘abeyance’. You will not pay any subscription fee during this time, but you will continue to receive your full membership benefits. All we need from you is a completed self-declaration form informing us of the dates of your maternity leave. To request a self-declaration form please email the RCoA membership team on and copy in the Faculty when making the request.
Access to FICM's Lifelong Learning Platform (LLP)
If you are applying for membership with the Faculty to gain access to the FICM LLP, we advise checking your eligibility with the LLP team first. Please contact the LLP team at
- All Intensivists in Training that have been successfully recruited onto a UK based ICM training programme (this will include eligible MTI doctors just as it does now) are eligible for access to the system.
- We are also be able to provide doctors that want to apply for Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) in Intensive Care Medicine with access should they obtain FICM Membership (MFICM) or Associate Membership of the Faculty.

Please see below for all of our routes of membership. There is some necessary complexity to our routes of membership due to our role as an organisation governed under a royal charter. Each section below, gives a brief description of the route with more detail available if you click each respective link. Any questions can be sent to our main inbox, Please note an application can take a calendar month to approve depending on the complexity of the application and an external review process.
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine has a number of entry routes for Fellowship and Membership. Please click the links below for individual membership categories.
Please note that important changes to the membership routes of Fellowship by Assessment and Associate Fellowship took place in 2019.
If you are not sure about which route you are eligible for, please email with the following information:
- current job title
- your clinical commitment to ICU
- exam history
- any affiliation you may have with one of our parent colleges, i.e FRCA.
Individual membership categories
The award of our Fellowship by Election is the highest accolade bestowed by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.
It is considered for practitioners across the world who have made sustained and significant contributions to the practice of Intensive Care Medicine. This may be either to the UK or their own country’s health services.
This activity has to be at an internationally active level and normally sustained for at least ten years. Evidence through the presented CV should document this activity and the outcome of such work.
Whilst there are no limits to the number of awards at this level it is unusual to award more than two or three a year. Awardees are listed below.
Name | Presentation Year |
Chithambaram Veerappan | 2017 |
Peter Hutton | 2015 |
Paul Lawler | 2015 |
Joseph Stoddart | 2015 |
Ronald Bradley | 2014 |
Jon Cohen | 2014 |
John Temple | 2014 |
Alasdair Short | 2013 |
Neil Soni | 2013 |
Peter Nightingale | 2013 |
Judith Hulf | 2012 |
Sheila Willatts | 2012 |
Iain Ledingham | 2012 |
Fellowship by Examination is awarded to all applicants who pass the FFICM Final Examination.
For further information on the FFICM examination, please click here.
Rights and privileges
Fellowship confers the following rights and privileges:
- use of the post-nominal FFICM and the description 'Fellow of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine'
- to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings of the Faculty
- to be nominated for election to membership of the Board
- to vote in Faculty elections respective to any residential qualifications
- to be appointed to Committees, Working Parties and other groups of the Faculty
- to be nominated by the Faculty under the auspices of the Royal College of Anaesthetists for appointment to any Advisory Appointment Committee
- to be appointed to a Court of Examiners
- to be appointed a Regional Advisor in Intensive Care Medicine or Faculty Tutor
- to use the facilities of the RCoA buildings
- to attend available Faculty events
- to benefit from the arrangements organised by the Faculty for participating in Continuing Professional Development
Subscription rates can be found here. Current Fellows and Members of the Royal College of Anaesthetists will have their subscription date (either April or October) alternated with their College subscription. All other applicants will have a subscription date dependent on when their application form is received.
Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time limited depending on the financial year. As an example, a doctor who applies in February 2016 will be billed for Fellowship in April 2016. They will not be billed again until April 2017.
If you have any problems or queries regarding your application please contact the Faculty.
The Faculty is pleased to receive applications for Associate Fellowship.
Associate Fellowship is open to medical practitioners holding a substantive or honorary NHS or Defence Medical Services consultant post in the United Kingdom with a sessional or other contracted daytime clinical commitment to Intensive Care Medicine, have successfully completed a national specialty examination in ICM (which may include the European Diploma of Intensive Care) or in the specialty of the Faculty’s Trustee Colleges or Paediatrics (for those undertaking Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine). For the definition of daytime clinical commitment, please see Appendix C in the application form below.
Please Note: FICM Associate Fellows with an Associate-level affiliation with one of the above trustee colleges (such as Associate Fellowship of the RCoA) will pay a lower subscription rate than those with no trustee college affiliation. This is because the FICM receives financial support from its trustee colleges for facilities and services; single registrants must therefore contribute to these costs as already subsidised by those with dual fellowships.
Rights and privileges
Associate Fellowship confers the following rights and privileges:
- use of the post-nominal AFICM and the description 'Associate Fellow of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine'
- to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings of the Faculty
- to vote in Faculty elections respective to any residential qualifications
- to be appointed to Committees, Working Parties and other groups of the Faculty
- to be nominated by the Faculty under the auspices of the Royal College of Anaesthetists for appointment to any Advisory Appointment Committee
- to use the facilities of the RCoA buildings
- to attend available Faculty events
- to benefit from the arrangements organised by the Faculty for participating in Continuing Professional Development
Subscription rates can be found here. Associate Fellows with an affiliation to the Royal College of Anaesthetists will have their subscription date (either April or October) alternated with their College subscription. All other applicants will have a subscription date dependent on when their application form is received.
Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time limited depending on the financial year. As an example, a doctor who applies in February 2016 will be billed for Fellowship in April 2016. They will not be billed again until April 2017.
If you have any problems or queries regarding your application please contact the Faculty.
Application form
Please click the links below for the Associate Fellowship application form, Equal Opportunities Monitoring form and accompanying Direct Debit instructions.
Please Note: The application form must be submitted electronically via
Associate Fellowship application form
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is pleased to receive applications for Fellowship ad eundem from doctors who are not full Fellows of one of the FICM trustee colleges (though they may have an Associate-equivalent affiliation with a trustee college, such as Associate Fellowship of the RCoA). Please carefully read the eligibility criteria below and in the attached application form before applying. If you are a full Fellow of a trustee college, you should apply for Associate Fellowship
Fellowship ad eundem is open to medical practitioners holding a substantive or honorary NHS or Defence Medical Services consultant post in the United Kingdom with a sessional or other contracted daytime clinical commitment to Intensive Care Medicine. Applicants must hold a Fellowship or other specialist qualification in intensive care medicine from an overseas body and be in good standing with that body. Applicants will be considered by the Board who have significantly furthered the interests of the Faculty and/or intensive care medicine. Applicants will normally be an Associate Fellow of the Faculty. For the definition of daytime clinical commitment, please see Appendix C in the application form below.
Rights and privileges
Fellows ad eundem confer the following rights and privileges:
- use of the post-nominal FFICM and the description 'Fellow of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine'.
- to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings of the Faculty
- to be nominated for election to membership of the Board
- to vote in Faculty elections respective to any residential qualifications
- to be appointed to Committees, Working Parties and other groups of the Faculty
- to be nominated by the Faculty under the auspices of the Royal College of Anaesthetists for appointment to any Advisory Appointment Committee
- to be appointed to a Court of Examiners
- to be appointed a Regional Advisor in Intensive Care Medicine or Faculty Tutor
- to use the facilities of the RCoA buildings
- to attend available Faculty events
- to benefit from the arrangements organised by the Faculty for participating in Continuing Professional Development
Subscription rates can be found here. Subscription dates will be dependent on when the application form is received and will be taken in either April or October. Current Fellows and Members of the Royal College of Anaesthetists will have their subscription date (either April or October) alternated with their College subscription.
Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time limited depending on the financial year. As an example, a doctor who applies in February 2016 will be billed for Fellowship in April 2016. They will not be billed again until April 2017.
If you have any problems or queries regarding your application please contact the Faculty.
Application form
Please click the links below for the Fellowship ad eundem application form, Equal Opportunities Monitoring form and accompanying Direct Debit instructions.
Please Note Section 7.1 of the Membership regulations before making your application
'7.1 The applicant must:
a) hold a substantive or honorary consultant post in the United Kingdom;
b) comply with the requirements relating to the form of application and any others matters which may be specified by the Faculty;
c) have a sessional or other contracted clinical commitment to intensive care medicine as described in the appropriate application form.
d) be considered by the Board to have significantly furthered the interests of the Faculty and / or intensive care medicine.’
Please look at part 4 of the form in detail, applications for Fellow ad Eundem require the applicant to have significantly furthered the interests of the FICM and / or ICM, to demonstrate this, an application must provide a great deal of relevant evidence for this to be verified.
Please Note: The application form must be submitted electronically via
Fellowship ad eundem application form
There are TWO routes of entry to Affiliate Fellowship:
Route 1
For medical practitioners holding a substantive or honorary NHS or Defence Medical Services consultant post in the United Kingdom with a sessional or other contracted clinical commitment to Intensive Care Medicine which does not meet the level of daytime clinical commitment requirement for Associate Fellowship.
Route 2
Applicants must be a registered ICM Affiliate Trainee (or have previously registered with the IBTICM/FICM via 'General Registration') who has completed, outside of the ICM CCT programme, training in Intensive Care Medicine commensurate with:
- Stage 1 ICM as described by the curriculum for a standalone CCT in Intensive Care Medicine (if entered Higher Specialist Training after August 2012).
All Applicants must have successfully completed a national specialty examination in ICM (which may include the European Diploma of Intensive Care) or in the specialty of one of the Faculty’s Trustee Colleges:
The Royal College of Physicians of London [RCP London] |
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh [RCP Edinburgh] |
The Royal College of Surgeons of England [RCS England] |
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh [RCS Edinburgh] |
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow [RCPSG] |
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine [FRCEM] |
The Royal College of Anaesthetists [RCoA] |
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health [RCPCH] |
Please note that there are no post-nominals associated with this membership category.
Rights and privileges
Affiliate Fellowship confers the following rights and privileges:
- to describe themselves without abbreviation as an 'Affiliate Fellow of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine'
- to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings of the Faculty;
- to vote in Faculty elections respective to any residential qualifications;
- to be appointed to Committees, Working Parties and other groups of the Faculty;
- to use the facilities of the RCoA buildings;
- to attend available Faculty events;
- to benefit from the arrangements organised by the Faculty for participating in Continuing Professional Development;
- to receive any publications and e-publications of the Faculty;
- eligible to sit the FFICM exam (if you meet all the eligibility criterias of the FFICM exam regulations).
FICM Affiliate Fellows who are fellows of one of the trustee colleges will pay a lower subscription rate than those with no trustee college affiliation. This is because the FICM receives financial support from its trustee colleges for facilities and services; single registrants must therefore contribute to these costs as already subsidised by those with dual fellowships.
Subscription rates can be found here. Affiliate Fellows with an affiliation to the Royal College of Anaesthetists will have their subscription date (either April or October) alternated with their College subscription. All other applicants will have a subscription date dependent on when their application form is received.
Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time limited depending on the financial year. As an example, a doctor who applies in February 2016 will be billed for Affiliate Fellowship in April 2016. They will not be billed again until April 2017.
If you have any problems or queries regarding your application please contact the Faculty.
Application form
Please click the links below for the Affiliate Fellowship application form and Equal Opportunities Monitoring form.
Please Note: The application form must be submitted electronically via
Affiliate Fellowship application form
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is pleased to receive applications for Membership. Please carefully read the eligibility criteria below and in the attached application form before applying. If you are not eligible for Membership, please refer to our other membership routes.
Membership is open to medical practitioners holding a substantive or honorary NHS or Defence Medical Services non-consultant career grade (Specialty Doctor, Associate Specialist, Staff Grade) post in the United Kingdom with a sessional or other contracted daytime clinical commitment to Intensive Care Medicine. For the definition of daytime clinical commitment, please see Appendix D in the application form below.
Please note (Senior) Clinical Fellows are not eligible to apply as they are deemed as Fixed Term Contracts.
Applicants for Membership must have successfully completed a national specialty examination in ICM (which may include the European Diploma of Intensive Care) or the full Primary examination of one of the Faculty's Trustee Colleges; and must not be eligible for any Fellowship route.
The FICM trustee colleges, with their respective Primary examinations, are:
College | Primary Exam |
The Royal College of Physicians of London [RCP London] | MRCP |
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh [RCP Edinburgh] | MRCP |
The Royal College of Surgeons of England [RCS England] | MRCS |
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh [RCS Edinburgh] | MRCS |
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow [RCPSG] | MRCP/MRCS |
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine [RCEM] | MRCEM Primary SBA (or MRCEM Part A between August 2012 – August 2016 or FRCEM Primary after August 2016) AND MRCEM Intermediate SBA (or MRCEM Part B between August 2012 – August 2016 or FRCEM Intermediate SAQ after August 2016) AND MRCEM OSCE after August 2014* (or FRCEM Intermediate SJP after August 2017) *retrospective approval has been granted for MRCEM achieved between August 2018 – August 2021 as part of the Emergency Medicine 2021 curriculum |
The Royal College of Anaesthetists [RCoA] | FRCA Primary |
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health [RCPCH] | FRCPCH |
Rights and privileges
Membership confers the following rights and privileges:
- use of the post-nominal MFICM and the description 'Member of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine'
- to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings of the Faculty;
- to vote in Faculty elections respective to any residential qualifications;
- to be appointed to Committees, Working Parties and other groups of the Faculty;
- to be nominated by the Faculty under the auspices of the Royal College of Anaesthetists for appointment to Advisory Appointment Committees for SAS Grade posts;
- to use the facilities of the RCoA buildings;
- to attend available Faculty events;
- to benefit from the arrangements organised by the Faculty for participating in Continuing Professional Development;
- eligible to sit the FFICM exam.
Please note: Applicants who have some form of affiliation with one of the above trustee colleges (such as Membership of the RCoA) will pay a lower subscription rate than those with no trustee college affiliation. This is because the FICM receives financial support from its trustee colleges for facilities and services; single registrants must therefore contribute to these costs as already subsidised by those with dual fellowships.
Subscription rates can be found here. Members with an affiliation to the Royal College of Anaesthetists will have their subscription date (either April or October) alternated with their College subscription. All other applicants will have a subscription date dependent on when their application form is received.
Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time limited depending on the financial year. As an example, a doctor who applies in February 2016 will be billed for Fellowship in April 2016. They will not be billed again until April 2017.
If you have any problems or queries regarding your application please contact the Faculty.
Application form
Please click the links below for the Membership application form, Equal Opportunities Monitoring form and accompanying Direct Debit instructions.
Please Note: The application form must be submitted electronically via
Membership application form
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is pleased to receive applications for Associate Membership. Please carefully read the eligibility criteria below and the information in the application form (which can be found at the bottom of this page) before applying. If you are not eligible for Associate Membership, please refer to our other membership routes.
To apply, you must:
a) be a doctor not eligible for Membership or any route of Fellowship. This could be doctors on temporary or locum contracts or doctors on SAS contracts not eligible for full Membership.
b) have a contracted clinical commitment to intensive care medicine in the UK.
Rights and privileges
- use of the description ‘Associate Member of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine’;
- to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings of the Faculty;
- to vote in Faculty elections respective to any residential qualifications;
- to be appointed to Committees, Working Parties and other groups of the Faculty;
- to use the facilities of the RCoA buildings;
- to attend available Faculty events;
- to benefit from the arrangements organised by the Faculty for participating in Continuing Professional Development;
- to receive advice and guidance with regard to training and a career in intensive care medicine;
- to receive any publications and e-publications of the Faculty;
- eligible to sit the FFICM exam (if you meet all the eligibility criterias of the FFICM exam regulations).
Supporting Signatures
Associate Membership applications must be accompanied by signatures from the Clinical Director (Appendix A) from the Trust at which applicants are currently employed. Applicants are also asked to provide a CV and personal portfolio evidence of CPD.
Subscription rates can be found here. Current Fellows and Members of the Royal College of Anaesthetists will have their subscription date (either April or October) alternated with their College subscription. All other applicants will have a subscription date dependent on when their application form is received.
Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time-limited depending on the financial year. As an example, a doctor who applies in February 2019 will be billed for Associate Membership in April 2019. They will not be billed again until April 2020.
If you have any problems or queries regarding your application please contact the Faculty at
Application form
Please click the links below for the Associate Membership application form, Equal Opportunities Monitoring form and accompanying Direct Debit instructions.
NB: The application form must be submitted electronically via
Associate Membership application form
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is pleased to receive applications from Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs) for Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Membership (ACCP Membership). Please carefully read the eligibility criteria below and in the attached application before applying.
This route is ONLY for use by Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs).
Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Membership is open to Advanced Critical Care Practitioners employed in a substantive ACCP role in the NHS or Defence Medical Services who have:
- satisfactorily completed Advanced Critical Care Practitioner training to a minimum of PGDip level; and
- have successfully completed an Advanced Critical Care Practitioner training programme with the National Competency Framework (2008) core and common competencies; and
- are in career posts functioning as Advanced Critical Care Practitioners and wish their experience to be considered. Please read the regulations in appendix D before completing the form.
Standard for Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Membership
Advanced Critical Care Practitioners applying for ACCP Membership are expected to have successfully attained the competencies set out in the National Competency Framework (2008). The Faculty strongly advises that Clinical Supervisors follow the competency checklist below when signing the application form; the competency titles are listed on the application for summary purposes only.
Please note: The Faculty considers it a probity issues to sign the application form without having understood the standard identified in those competencies and/or for signing the certificate of an applicant who does not reach the standard.
ACCPs who have started training since the publication of the ACCP Curriculum in 2015 must ensure their training occurs in existing UK training centres approved for Stage 1 and 2 ICM level training, or has the ICM regional Advisors support and officially documented approval for ACCP training. The FICM considers that units who do not have approval in place would be unable to deliver the level of training required by the ACCP curriculum; as such the Faculty would not consider it appropriate for FICM Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Membership to be awarded to any ACCPs trained in units without approval.
*Original notice from May 2017* Any individual beginning an ACCP training programme from 5th November 2017 which does not meet the FICM specification for ACCP training will not be eligible to apply for FICM ACCP Membership.
It is the responsibility of the individual seeking FICM ACCP Membership and the hospital trust providing their training to ensure trainee ACCPs undertake FICM recognised training.
Supporting Signatures
Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Membership applications must be accompanied by signatures from the Clinical Supervisor (appendix A) from the Trust at which applicants have completed their training; the Clinical Director (appendix B) and the ACCP Programme Lead/Director (appendix C) from the Trust at which applicants are currently employed.
Abbreviated CV
Applicants are also asked to provide an abbreviated CV specific to their application detailing:
- The Advanced Critical Care Practitioner (PGDip) training modules, including a non-medical prescribing module or course
- An employment history including and in depth description of the applicants current role.
- Confirmation the applicant is on the medical rota
- Confirmation of job title.
Rights and privileges
Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Membership confers the following rights and privileges:
- The use of the description ‘Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Member of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
- To attend and speak at General Meetings of the Faculty
- To be appointed to Committees, Working Parties, and other groups of the Faculty
- To use the facilities of the RCoA buildings
- To attend available Faculty events
- To benefit from the arrangements organised by the Faculty for participating in Continuing Professional Development
Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time limited depending on the financial year. As an example, a practioner who applies in February 2021 will be billed for ACCP Membership in February 2021. They will not be billed again until April 2022.
If you have any problems or queries regarding your application please contact the Faculty at
Application form
Please click the links below for the Associate Membership application form, ACCP Competency Checklist, Equal Opportunities Monitoring form and accompanying Direct Debit instructions. The application form must be submitted electronically via
FICM ACCP membership application form
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is pleased to receive applications for Pharmacist Membership. Please carefully read the eligibility criteria below and in the attached application before applying.
Applicants must:
- be a registered pharmacist in substantive employment in the NHS with a contracted clinical commitment to Critical Care.
- have satisfactorily completed such a period of training or its equivalent as may from time to time be prescribed by the Faculty*;
- be a fit and proper person and be in good standing with the General Pharmaceutical Council;
- have otherwise satisfied the Faculty as to their suitability by the submission of appropriate paperwork relating to the form of application as specified by the Faculty assessors.
*Applicants must hold one of the following qualifications:
(a) have satisfactorily completed UKCPA Assessment to a minimum of Foundation level; or
(b) have successfully completed the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Faculty assessment to at least AS1 Level (with Critical Care as the primary clinical specialty); or
(c) have completed Foundation-Level critical care pharmacy training programme (e.g. Midlands or Sheffield-based Critical Care Pharmacy Foundation-Level packages (or equivalent); or
(d) have completed a Critical Care MSc (e.g. Cardiff or Belfast University); or
(e) have completed a documented Foundation-level critical care pharmacy (or higher) assessment undertaken by an accredited (UKCPA or RPS Faculty member) advanced or consultant-level critical care pharmacist; or
(f) have completed clinical pharmacy diploma with a significant (~3 months; ~10 credits) critical care component (e.g. University of Cardiff); or
(g) three or more years of continuous critical care pharmacy practice (1 WTE pro-rata)
Rights and privileges include the following
- the description ‘Pharmacist Member of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine’;
- to be appointed to Committees, Working Parties and other groups of the Faculty;
- to use the facilities of the RCoA buildings;
- to attend available Faculty events;
- to receive any publications and e-publications of the Faculty.
Subscriptions are taken in either April or October dependent on when their application form is received.
Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time-limited depending on the financial year. As an example, a pharmacist who applies in February 2022 will be billed for Pharmacist Membership in April 2022. They will not be billed again until April 2023.
If you have any problems or queries regarding your application please contact the Faculty at
Application form
Please click the links below for the Pharmacist Membership application form, Equal Opportunities Monitoring form and accompanying Direct Debit instructions.
NB: The application form must be submitted electronically via
FICM Pharmacy membership application form
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is pleased to receive applications for Affiliate Membership. Please carefully read the eligibility criteria below and the information in the application form (which can be found at the bottom of this page) before applying. If you are not eligible for Affiliate Membership, please refer to our other membership routes.
This route of membership is open to:
- Critical Care Nurses
- Critical Care Allied Health Professionals
- Practitioners in Critical Care not eligible for ACCP Membership
- Doctors in Critical Care, including international doctors and MTIs, not eligible for other routes of fellowship or membership
Rights and privileges include the following:
- use of the description ‘Affiliate of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine’;
- to use the facilities of the RCoA buildings;
- to attend available Faculty events;
- to be sent any adverts for affiliate members of Faculty groups;
- to receive advice and guidance, as is relevant, in regards to critical care activities;
- to receive any publications and e-publications of the Faculty.
Subscription rates can be found here. Current Fellows and Members of the Royal College of Anaesthetists will have their subscription date (either April or October) alternated with their College subscription. All other applicants will have a subscription date dependent on when their application form is received.
Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time-limited depending on the financial year. As an example, a doctor who applies in February 2019 will be billed for Associate Membership in April 2019. They will not be billed again until April 2020.
If you have any problems or queries regarding your application please contact the Faculty at
Application form
Please click the links below for the Affiliate Membership application form, Equal Opportunities Monitoring form and accompanying Direct Debit instructions.
NB: The application form must be submitted electronically via
Affiliates application form
There are two methods by which trainees may register with the FICM. These membership routes have evolved from the previous methods by which doctors undertaking ICM training would register with the Faculty’s predecessor, the Intercollegiate Board for Training in Intensive Care Medicine.
Trainees who may register with the Faculty fall into two distinct categories:
1) ICM CCT Programme Registration
This route is for doctors who have been appointed, via open competition, to a programme culminating in the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training in ICM.
These doctors should complete an ICM CCT Registration Form.
Doctors on the ICM CCT will then progress through the training programme; after completing Stage 1 training they will be awarded a Stage 1 Training Certificate. Whilst in Stage 2 ICM, they must pass the FFICM Final examination. Upon completion of Stage 3 training, they are then awarded their ICM CCT.
Click here for more information on joining the ICM CCT programme.
2) ICM Affiliate Trainees
These are doctors who are completing blocks of ICM training outside the ICM CCT programme, who wish to have this training subsequently recognised via membership of the Faculty.
These trainees should complete an Affiliate Trainee Registration Form.
Affiliate Trainees will continue in their parent CCT, acquiring blocks of ICM training which should be in line with the policies and systems of the Faculty and signed off by FICM Tutors and Regional Advisors.
Affiliate Trainees will be eligible for Affiliate Fellowship of the Faculty upon completion of training commensurate with:
- Stage 1 level ICM (as defined by the standalone CCT in ICM) – if the doctor entered Higher Specialist Training after 1 August 2012.
Once Affiliate Trainees are confirmed as Affiliate Fellows they may apply to sit the FFICM examination. Please note that there are no post-nominals associated with Affiliate Fellowship.
Affiliate Trainee status is only open to doctors in training. Affiliate Trainees must either achieve Affiliate Fellowship or resign their Affiliate Trainee status upon gaining their parent specialty CCT.
I have registered as an Affiliate Trainee with FICM – does this mean I will receive a CCT in ICM? | No. You can only gain a CCT in ICM when you are specifically appointed to an ICM CCT Programme (be it Dual/Triple or the standalone ICM CCT) via competitive entry. These are the posts advertised nationally as specifically delivering a CCT in ICM and can only be entered via competitive interview at national recruitment. Unless you have one of these posts, you cannot gain an ICM CCT. |
I am an Affiliate Trainee who has now achieved Affiliate Fellowship. What should I do if I wish to undertake further ICM training? | You may wish to remain outside the ICM CCT programme but still attempt the FFICM examination – as an Affiliate Fellow you would be eligible to do so. Any additional ICM training you pick up will depend on the parameters of your primary specialty CCT programme. If a doctor can pick up ICM training time and competencies commensurate with Stage 2 and Stage 3 ICM then they can apply to the GMC's portfolio pathway (CESR). |
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is pleased to receive applications for UK Core, Foundation and Medical Student Membership. Please carefully read the eligibility criteria below and the information in the application form (which can be found at the bottom of this page) before applying. If you are not eligible for Core, Foundation and Medical Student Membership, please refer to our other membership routes.
To apply, you must be a:
- Medical Student
- Foundation Trainee Doctor
- Core Trainee Doctor in one of the following programmes:
- Acute Care Common Stem
- Core Anaesthetic Training
- Core Medical / Internal Medicine Training
Rights and privileges include the following
- to attend available Faculty events;
- to receive any publications and e-publications of the Faculty, including newsletters and updates;
- to receive benefits catered to pre-specialist trainee doctor members.
Subscription rates can be found here. Current Fellows and Members of the Royal College of Anaesthetists will have their subscription date (either April or October) alternated with their College subscription. All other applicants will have a subscription date dependent on when their application form is received.
Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time-limited depending on the financial year. As an example, a doctor who applies in February 2019 will be billed for Core, Foundation and Medical Student Membership in April 2019. They will not be billed again until April 2020.
If you have any problems or queries regarding your application please contact the Faculty at
Application form
Please click the links below for the Core, Foundation and Medical Student Registration form and Equal Opportunities Monitoring form.
NB: The application form must be submitted electronically via
Core, Foundation and Medical Student application form
Fellowship by assessment is now only available to Joint CCT Trainees that meet the criteria as defined in the Regulations. If you were a Joint Trainee and believe you are eligible for this route, please contact the Faculty at
The Senior Fellow and Members Club (SFMC) is open to all who have Fellowship or Membership of the Faculty and who have come to the end of a career in substantive employment.
FICM subscription to the Senior Fellows and Members club allows you to keep benefits of your current membership (Faculty publications and e-publications, reduced rates at events, etc) and the use of post nominals. For example if you are a Member of the Faculty with the post nominals MFICM, after retirement and with the subscription to the SFMC you would still have use of MFICM. This subscription would replace any current membership or fellowship subscription. Please do let us know if you would like to join the FICM SFMC or have any questions
Please refer to the Faculty's Regulations for further clarification on eligibility requirements.
Please Note: Applicants for Fellowship or Membership of the Faculty will be informed of the outcome of their application and, if successful, receive their certificate in due course. However, there can be a backlog of applications to process. If you have yet to be informed of the outcome of your application, or have received a confirmation letter but not your certificate, please bear with us, it is being processed and you will be notified as soon as possible. The Faculty apologises for any inconvenience this may cause. Applications can take up to 1 month to process, depending on the volume of applications being processed.
Want to know more?
Please refer to the Faculty's Regulations for more detail on eligibility requirements.