Intensivist in Training Representatives
The FICM has two elected trainee representatives. They serve one year as the Deputy Trainee Representative and then one year as the Lead Trainee Representative.
Both trainee representatives sit on the Faculty Board and one or the other is also present at all of the committees or working parties that effect training and require a trainee perspective:
- Training, Assessment & Quality Committee (FICMTAQ)
- Careers, Recruitment and Workforce Committee (FICMCRW)
The principal duty of the Trainee Representatives is to represent the views of ICM trainees during Board, committee, working group and other meetings as appropriate:
- Ensure there is a true representation of trainee concerns and views and ensure the Faculty has a means of seeking trainee input.
- Effectively inform and alert trainees to issues affecting them and to be able to address grass roots concerns.
- Encourage greater trainee engagement with the College.
Further duties of the FICM Trainee Representatives include:
- To establish a communication network with all ICM trainees. The email database is kept by the FICM Secretariat from trainees who have registered with the Faculty.
- Maintaining two-way communications with all ICM trainees in order to update them on Faculty developments and to keep the Faculty abreast of information and concerns relevant to its work.
- Attending all meetings of their assigned boards, committees or working groups. Travel expenses are reimbursed subject to the usual arrangements.
- Involvement in Faculty projects that may arise from time-to-time.
- Producing research or written documents from time-to-time including contribution to the FICM newsletter, Critical Eye, and the Faculty website.
- To maintain regular liaison with the ICS Trainee Advisory Group.

"I completed my medical training at Oxford University in 2012 and to date have spent all of my postgraduate years in the West Midlands Deanery. I am a dual anaesthetic and ICM trainee, and although I’ve always been an intensivist at heart, I was relatively late to formally join the specialty, and considered non-training routes before committing to a training number. I am also less than full time, and have been through multiple iterations of the curriculum, as well as various portfolio changes, which I believe makes me well seasoned in navigating training difficulties and the politics that go alongside it.
My main non-clinical interest is research and I am currently involved in a project modeling postoperative risk in elective major non-cardiac surgery. During the pandemic I held a local Trainee Wellbeing Lead position helping to develop longer term wellbeing strategies and increase awareness that wellbeing is more than just yoga and meditation. Since then have also been a Less Than Full Time Trainee Lead and managed bespoke rotas in a large tertiary centre where 30/100 trainees were part time. I am also currently the joint West Midlands ICM Trainee Representative and have been involved in projects to develop the local post-FFICM education programme, as well as produce a handbook that troubleshoots the common training issues. I am really looking forward to bringing my experience from regional roles to the national level and strengthening the regional representative network to empower our trainees at both local and national levels.
Outside of work, I spend my time refereeing my two boys, juggling the school run, attending children’s birthday parties and very occasionally I do a little ringside doctoring for England Boxing events."

I am an ST8 Acute Internal Medicine & Intensive Care Medicine StR at Liverpool University Hospital in the Mersey region. I am also an International Medical Graduate (IMG) from Sudan.
I am the IMG trainees' lead for the NHSE North West and IMG representative on the FICM StR Subcommittee. During my years in training, I worked on multi-award-winning projects to address differential attainment among the NHS international workforce in my region. Happy to answer any queries for IMGs in ICM, please get in touch.
To find out more about Taqua read her article in Trainee Eye Autumn 2022.
FICM IiT Subcommittee Members
Please see below for the remaining members of the IiT Subcommittee and who to contact should you have any queries with your training.

I'm a (South) London Renal, GIM and ICM trainee and I will be representing your views as the triple ICM/medicine trainee representative.
I'm determined to continue with the excellent work already achieved by the outgoing trainee representatives, in particular acting on improving some of the challenges identified by the trainee survey. I'm keen to provide greater clarity on career pathways and training equity for trainees on a triple accreditation pathway
Outside of work I'm a busy dog mum to a rescue greyhound!
Please get in contact if there's anything you wish to discuss and I will do my best to advocate and support for the trainee group.

I am a currently dual ST7 in Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine in South East Scotland. I began specialty training there after completing the Academic Foundation Programme in the West of Scotland. I subsequently completed both a Teaching Fellowship and Research Fellowship at the University of Edinburgh. My work focused on the uses of alpha 2 agonists in the context of critical illness and genomic modelling in sepsis.
For the last 4 years, I’ve served as an elected member of the Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee. For two of these years, I’ve been a member of the Association’s Board of Directors and Board of Trustees, alongside the Editorial Board of the journal Anaesthesia. I am the current Chair of the Association’s Trainee Committee. During my time in these roles, I have done my best to champion the trainee voice at a national level. This includes work with recruitment bottlenecks, training during the pandemic, the impact of Medical Associate Professionals, and improving the equity of our training infrastructure.
My clinical interests include neuroanaesthesia and critical care, point of care ultrasound, regional anaesthesia, and improving diversity within our healthcare system.

I am an ICM ST5 in London currently out-of-programme working as a Clinical Research Associate at the University of Cambridge. Alongside this, I am Co-Chair of the UK’s Trainee Research in Intensive Care (TRIC) Network and an Elected Member of the Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee. My research interests centre around immune dysfunction in acute respiratory failure and cardiogenic shock.
Through my role as the Academic StR Representative I hope to improve the accessibility of research to ICM trainees throughout the UK by working with the Faculty to eliminate the academic roadblocks we currently face. I will also work to build on previous collaborative projects between FICM and other relevant parties to promote and facilitate trainee led studies.
Outside of work I am long suffering martial artist, dog lover and self-proclaimed cider connoisseur. Please reach out if I can be of any help, particularly if you have any ideas about how to improve the experiences of research interested trainees.
I graduated from The University of Manchester in 2012 and with the exception of completing my core training in the East of England, have spent the rest of my working life in the North West. I am a single-specialty ICM trainee looking to combine this with a portfolio career in medicine and I am currently spending my SSY year working in respiratory medicine. I also have a background in web development and design and have been appointed as the FICM LLP representative where I hope to push forward developments to the platform.
When I’m not in work you’ll find me keeping fit, walking in the Lake District (which I am very lucky to have on my doorstep!) and spending time keeping up with my increasingly energetic 3 year old and two dogs. Please reach out if I can be of any help, particularly if you have any ideas about how we can make LLP better or if you have any questions about combining ICM with a portfolio career.
I am an ICM trainee in the Severn deanery having also completed ACCS training in Emergency Medicine in the South West. I believe that a single CCT in ICM can lead to a very varied career and I am committed to increasing the awareness of this training pathway. As the single CCT representative, I want to ensure that your voices are heard within FICM and that any training needs are addressed. Please get in contact if you think I can be of any help or if you have any ideas or concerns about current training opportunities!

I am a dual intensive care medicine and anaesthesia trainee in the London deanery, where I have spent most of my training. My main non-clinical interest is research, having recently completed an NIHR ACF, and with interests in data science and invasive mechanical ventilation. I am currently a Trainee Editorial Fellow for the journal Anaesthesia and will commence a PhD in 2025. I also have interests in medical education, leadership and understanding and addressing health inequalities.
I am honoured and privileged to be appointed as the first Equality, Diversity and Inclusion representative on the StR committee. I am passionate about improving the training experience for ICM doctors from all backgrounds and addressing the causes of differential attainment. Please do get in touch with any thoughts or ideas.

I am currently an ST6 ICM / Anaesthesia trainee in the West Midlands and I am delighted to have joined the FICM StR Committee to represent LTFT trainees.
My training experiences have taken me across the country. I am now well into my 2nd decade of training and my 3rd curriculum. Having worked both full time, LTFT and as a SAS doctor, I appreciate the challenges of LTFT working as well as the regional variations in training experiences.
My clinical interests include education, paediatric critical care, patient safety and improving the diversity of our critical care workforce.
Outside of work I am blessed with 3 energetic children and all that family life entails.
Please contact me if you have any questions about LTFT training in ICM, particularly if you have any ideas about how we can improve the training programme for LTFT trainees and promote ICM training on an LTFT basis.
Hi - my name's Fraser, a stage 3 ICM trainee in South-East Scotland. Originally from just outside Glasgow, I completed my foundation training in Forth Valley before undertaking a Clinical Development Fellowship in Emergency Medicine and Obstetrics, where I got a taste for QI and a chance to attend the Medical Leadership Academy. In 2016 I moved further east to Edinburgh to take up run-through training in EM and following my ACCS years applied for dual training with ICM…and haven’t looked back since!
I am passionate about systems improvement, enhancing team performance, trainee representation and workplace civility & wellbeing – and along with my FICM StRSC role, I am a member of our local EDs well-being team and also a Chief Registrar in my current health board.
I have an interest in guideline development and adding to the armoury of resources to help us master some of the challenges in delivering critical care in high acuity circumstances (and often in the small hours!) and have enjoyed developing guidance locally whilst also working with FICM on some of the ‘Midnight Law’ publications.
Dual training with EM has unique challenges - with tough rotas, front-door workload and portfolio to name a few, but we also bring a wide range of valuable expertise to the critical care environment and are no longer a minority in the incredible melting pot of intensivists. Shared understanding of the challenges different trainees face in delivering critical care across the hospital (and in some cases outside it) is essential to improve not only patient care, but also the training experience. This is one of the greatest advantages of the StR Subcommittee and I look forward to our continued work together; and continuing to advocate for EM trainees within FICM.


ST7 Anaesthesia & Intensive Care at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
I'm a dual trainee in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care in the West of Scotland. I attended medical school in Edinburgh, foundation training in Glasgow and Core Anaesthetics in Aberdeen. I took a couple of years out after core training and was fortunate enough to work and teach in anaesthesia and critical care in several African countries, before returning to Scotland for the remainder of my training. My professional interests include education in anaesthesia and critical care, and I act as faculty for SAFE, IMPACT and ICF courses.
As chair of the Trainee Committee of the Scottish Intensive Care Society, I am delighted to join the FICM StR Subcommittee as a co-opted member.


ST7, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
Regional ICM STC Trainee Representatives
Dr Justin Hill
Dr Erin Hopley, ST4 ICM IiT, Lister Hospital -
1. South Thames (East) - Dr Alastair White, ST5 ICM at King’s College Hospital, London:
2. North Thames (Central) - Dr Timothy Snow, ST7 University College Hospital:
Dr Will Bansema, ST6 Anaesthetics and ICM
Dr Sophie Kreppel, ST7 Dual ICM/Anaesthetics IiT, Wythenshawe Hospital:
1. Dr Rachael Kellett, ST7 ICM/EM IiT, Royal Victoria Infirmary
2. Dr Timothy Key, ST7 ICM/EM IiT, Royal Victoria Infirmary:
Dr Deborah Owen, ST7 ICM IiT at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen -
Dr Sarah Paterson, ST6 ICM/Anaesthetics IiT, South East Scotland
Dr Samantha Gaw, ST7 Intensive Care Medicine IiT at Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley -
Dr Hannah Crofton, ST6 ICM IiT, North Bristol NHS Trust -
Dr Bryony Hopkins, ST6 ICM IiT at Royal Free Hospital, London
Dr Christopher Acott, ST7 ICM and Anaesthetics IiT, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford -
Dr Samuel Leafe, ST4 ICM IiT at Oxford University Hospitals -
Dr Sonal Lodhi, ST7 ICM and Anaesthesia, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff -
Dr Vaarisan Ganeshalingam, ST6 Dual Anaesthesia and ICM, University Hospital of Southampton, Wessex -
Dr Rosie Worrall, ST7 Dual Anaesthesia and ICM IiT, West Midlands -
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