Guidance on the Combined Programme route to CCT

Published 03/05/2022

What is the Combined Programme?

This route is for doctors who joined an approved specialist training programme at a later starting point having already obtained some of the CCT curriculum competencies from previous non-approved training posts.

Pre Brexit the certificate that was awarded at the end of combined programme training was a Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) via Combined Programme (CP). Now that this legislation no longer applies, the GMC can issue CCTs to all combined programme doctors granted entry to the specialist register from 1 January 2021. This means that once a doctor completes their specialist training programme, receiving an outcome six on their final ARCP, the Faculty will provide the GMC with a recommendation for their CCT in ICM.

Doctors entering or who have entered the ICM CCT training programme on a combined programme (taking into consideration prior unapproved training posts) will be eligible for a CCT.