
The ICM National Recruitment Office (ICMNRO) manages specialty recruitment to ICM training posts

The numbers of available posts in each specialty is controlled nationally by NHS England and the devolved nations' NHS administrations.

We cannot currently provide posts for all the doctors wishing to train in ICM but we liaise closely with NHS England (using our workforce data) to advocate for more posts in the places they are needed. 

The Faculty works closely with ICMNRO and is responsible for:
  • Reviewing and updating the ICM person specification annually with the Medical and Dental Recruitment and Selection programme.
  • Reviewing and updating the process/questions/guidance annually from the quality assurance feedback we receive from the previous year's recruitment round.
  • Refining and updating the interview questions and developing ones that are fit for purpose to ensure they are fit for purpose and are relevant for doctors from all backgrounds. 
  • Assisting with short-listing and long-listing and helping to address any queries
  • Ensuring there are enough ICM Consultants (and that they are suitably trained) to conduct interviews for all eligible candidates
The Faculty's Career's, Recruitment and Workforce Committee is responsible for this work.
  • Dr Liz Thomas is our current Lead for ICM Recruitment

  • Dr Rob Docking is the Deputy ICM Recruitment Lead

Click here for further details regarding FICM's CRW Committee.

Want to know more?

Check out the ICM National Recruitment Office website for all the updates and latest documents and guidance regarding ICM ST3 Recruitment