University of Brighton leads national effort for greener intensive care Standards
This new guidance – the first of its kind in the UK – offers practical solutions to help ICUs across the UK reduce their environmental impact. By focusing on energy efficiency, carbon emissions and waste reduction, the guide aims to support hospitals in achieving greener operations – without compromising patient care.
Launching on 27 February 2025, the Intensive Care Environmental Sustainability Recipe Book – developed by the University of Brighton in collaboration with the Intensive Care Society, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, and the UK Critical Care Nursing Alliance – will be distributed to every ICU in the UK and available for free online, offering practical solutions to help hospitals across the UK reduce the carbon footprint of all elements of ICU work. The Recipe Book will be available for download from 5 PM on 27 February as a subpage here.
The UK Critical Care Nursing Alliance (UKCCNA), established in 2013, provides a structured mechanism to facilitate collaborative working with all nationally recognised critical care nursing organisations across the United Kingdom. The aim of the UKCCNA is to be proactive and visionary about service requirements, providing quality assurance, enhancing the service, quality of care, patient experience and outcomes in critical care.
The member organisations of the UKCCNA are:
- Royal College of Nursing (Critical Care and Flight Nursing Forum)
- British Association of Critical Care Nurses
- Critical Care National Network Nurse Lead Forum (CC3N)
- National Outreach Forum
- Intensive Care Society (N&AHP Committee)
- Paediatric Critical Care Society
The UKCCNA develops a shared understanding of issues that affect critical care nursing at a local and national level, with a key focus on issues relating to training, education, workforce, standards and research. This provides a national platform for all critical care nursing organisations to identify, discuss and address issues of common concern, avoiding unnecessary duplication of projects and gaining a clear collaborative consensus.
The UKCCNA is actively engaging and contributing to the broader multi-professional quality agenda for critical care services across the UK. It is part of the Critical Care Leadership Forum and now well represented at various national critical care related forums. It endeavours to engage with all relevant stakeholders and be a strong leadership body and advocate for critical care nursing, so that the view of the critical care nurses are considered and their voices are heard at all times.