Useful Links for Patients and Relatives

Useful information for patients and relatives from partner organisations.

Centre for Perioperative Care

CPOC is a cross-specialty centre dedicated to the promotion, advancement and development of perioperative care, for the benefit of both patients and the healthcare community.

Click here to view CPOC's patient resources

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine

Founded in March 1982 in Geneva, Switzerland, the ESICM supports and promotes the advancement of knowledge in Intensive Care Medicine in Europe, in particular the promotion of the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.

Click here for the ESICM patient resources

General Medical Council

The GMC is a public body that maintains the official register of medical practitioners in the UK.  Its chief responsibility is to "protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public" by controlling entry to the register, and suspending or removing members when necessary. It also sets the standards for medical schools in the UK.

Click here to view GMC patient guidance

Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre

ICNRC provides information about the quality of care to those who commission, manage, deliver and experience critical care (both within and outside the NHS) through our national clinical audits and our clinical and health services research studies.

Click here to view ICNARC's patient resources


ICUsteps is the intensive care patient support charity. Critical illness can be a traumatic experience. ICUsteps want to make sure surviving isn't.

Click here to visit the ICUsteps website

Intensive Care Society

The Intensive Care Society represents the views of the multi-professional intensive care community and help them by providing opportunities for knowledge exchange to support learning. The ICS enables them to contribute to research and standards development.

Click here to view the ICS patient resources

Patient Advice and Liaison Service

The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters. They provide a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers.

Click here to visit the PALS webpages

The Patients Association

The Patients Association is an independent patient charity campaigning for improvements in health and social care for patients. Its purpose is to ensure that everybody can access and benefit from the health and care they need to live well, by ensuring that services are designed and delivered through equal partnership with patients.

Click here to visit the Patients Association website

Royal College of Anaesthetists

The Royal College of Anaesthetists is the professional body responsible for the specialty throughout the UK. The RCoA website is full of guidance and information for trainees.

Click here to view the RCoA's patient resources

Royal College of Emergency Medicine

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine works to ensure high quality care for patients by setting and monitoring standards of care in emergency departments, as well as providing expert guidance and advice on policy to relevant bodies on matters relating to Emergency Medicine.

Click here to view RCEM's safety resources

Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health is the professional body for paediatricians in the United Kingdom. It is responsible for the postgraduate training of paediatricians and conducts the Membership of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health exams.

Click here to view the RCPCH's patient information resources

Royal College of Physicians of London

The RCP is the leading body for physicians in the UK and internationally, It is a patient-centred and clinically led organisation whose core mission is to improve patient care and reduce illness. Its vision is for everyone to have the best possible health and healthcare.

Click here to view the RCP's patient information resources

Royal College of Surgeons

The Royal College of Surgeons is committed to enabling surgeons to achieve and maintain the highest standards of surgical practice and patient care. RCS promotes and advances standards of surgical care for patients, and regulates surgery and dentistry in England and Wales. 

Click here to view the RCS patient resources

Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh pursues excellence and advancement in surgery through training, exams, liaison with external medical bodies and representation of the surgical workforce.

Click here to view the RCS Edinburgh patient resources

Want to know more?

See our full range of patient resources.