Infection in Critical Care Quality Improvement Programme (ICCQIP)

The Infection in Critical Care Quality Improvement Programme (ICCQIP) is a collaboration of professional organisations representing adult, paediatric and neonatal intensive care, microbiology, and infection control, supported by Public Health England (PHE). The group has developed a national surveillance programme designed to provide information about infections in Critical Care Units (CCUs) in England, with a particular focus on anti-microbial resistant infections.
Following successful pilots, participation in this national surveillance system is now being offered to all acute Trusts in England, focusing initially on blood stream infections. The aggregated database is held on behalf of the participating ICUs and Trusts by PHE as the data guardian through the ICCQIP Board. The programme has the explicit support of the Chief Medical Officer.
ICCQIP participation has been included in the new D05 Service Specification for Adult critical Care.
ICCQIP produce unit level quarterly reports which are made available to respective Trusts.