How to register for ICCQIP

  • Units and Trusts are encouraged to participate in the ICCQIP ICU-BSI national surveillance programme.
  • The process is outlined below.

There are various roles that individual can sign-up to, enabling access to certain aspects of the data capture and reporting system.

  • Local administrators (LA) are required to complete an additional training module and have senior authorisation to be an LA for that unit. LA must have final authorisation by the PHE ICCQIP group.
  • Users can register and be authorised by the LA’s within their unit/trust.
  • There is no limit on the number of LA’s or users per unit or trust. 
  • Further information on the programme and how to join can be found in the LA registration user guide and User registration user guide.

Collectively we can reduce antimicrobial resistant infections.

For more information or to register to take part, please contact the ICCQIP team.