
#DiscoverICM is an online series from real intensivists telling us what they love most about working in ICM and why they're pleased they chose to work in the specialty.
Check out below to go directly to the twitter conversation or why not tell us your #DiscoverICM story.
Don't forget to retweet, like and comment to keep the conversation going online!
Your #DiscoverICM
Want to submit a #DiscoverICM? We'd love to hear from you!
What you need to do
Take a look at some of our other #DiscoverICM slides for some inspiration.
Have a think about what you love about working in ICM and put this into no more 100 words.
Email contact@ficm.ac.uk with:
Your #DiscoverICM wording.
A smiley colourful photo of yourself.
Your full name and the region you work in.
Your Twitter handle - if you have one.
That's it!
Do you have a #DiscoverICM story?
We'd love to share it, so do get in touch.