

Requests are submitted to the Faculty by research-active members regarding the distribution of surveys relating to intensivists and their practice. Whilst the Faculty does not directly distribute external surveys, we will advertise them on this page and in our established member communications, subject to approval. 

Members wishing to submit a survey should closely follow the guidance on this page. 

Survey Submission Guidelines

  • Approved surveys are shared as links on this webpage or electronically as part of established FICM communication channels – only apply if your project is using an online survey tool
  • The scheduling of all survey distribution and the inclusion of specific surveys is at the FICM's discretion
  • Please be aware that the FICM also runs its own surveys of members and your project may clash with ongoing FICM work
  • There may also be a number of surveys awaiting distribution and your project timescales may not line up with FICM capacity
  • The FICM will not bulk email its members with a message specific to your survey, nor will it coordinate physical mail-outs of survey materials
  • Applicants with fixed data collection time-frames should plan several weeks’ lead-in time for any submission to accommodate review by FICM clinical leads, plus any changes required by the reviewers to the survey contents
  • Pleaese return completed Survey Application Forms to

Please Note

Whilst the FICM has agreed to circulate the links for these surveys for the interest of its members, unless otherwise noted, FICM is not part of the survey teams nor official sponsors of any of these research projects. 

Any queries related to these surveys should be directed to the survey team, not FICM.

Current External Surveys

ICU Staff Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Towards Working with Patients with Mental Illness

We are a group of NHS clinicians and academics in Bath hoping to improve training about and care for those with mental health issues in acute hospital intensive care settings.

We are therefore asking doctors and nurses who work/have worked in ICU to complete a short online questionnaire. This explores their attitudes, knowledge and skills related to working with patients with mental illness in ICU.

This survey is part of a wider project that includes qualitative interviews with doctors and nurses on their experiences.

  • Closing Date: 30 May 2025

Working with Mental Illness in the ICU | QuestionPro Survey


NGT feeing in critical care

Insertion of NGT is common practice for feeding purposes. A survey team at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS trust believe there is a lack of clarity and uniformity in the approach to NGT confirmation, particularly those that have already confirmed on insertion and for which a repeat aspirate is either absent or has a high pH reading. We are therefore interested in undertaking a survey of UK ICUs to understand the variation in practice with regards to confirming NGT position, whether there are risk assessment protocols for the eventuality of absent or high pH aspirate in existing NGT (and whether they are physician, nurse or AHP led), and whether individual units have incorporated volume of aspirate alongside pH.

  • Closing date: 31 July 2024

NGT feeing in critical care: a survey of practices and policies in critical care units in UK