Critical Care Leadership Forum

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The Critical Care Leadership Forum (CCLF) was established in 2013 as one of the main recommendations emerging from Collaborating for Quality in Intensive Care (CfQICM). The CCLF is supported by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine.

The primary role of the CCLF is to promote UK-wide high quality care for patients with, or at risk, of critical illness through integrating the energies and skills of its participating organisations. The forum aims to act as a single point of reference for accessing specialist advice for national policy initiatives, commissioning, research, audit, education, professional standards and clinical practice.

National policy

The forum also provides an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss national policy relevant to the practice of ICM and engage with specialist commissioning board and clinical reference groups as well as establishing and maintaining links with the health structures of the previous health administrations. In this way, the CCLF provides a conduit between the professional and managerial arms of the health services.

Input to projects

The CCLF has given endorsement, acted as an advisory group and spoken on behalf of the Critical care Community on many projects such as:

  • Case-Mix Programmes: ICNARC Data Access Advisory Group
  • Research via the NIHR Critical Care Specialty Group
  • Infection in Critical Care Quality Improvement programme (ICCQIP).

Representatives from work areas as diverse as the NHS England Paediatric Review and the FICM/RCP Enhanced Care Project have undertaken stakeholder engagement at the Forum. 

The Forum provides an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss national policy relevant to the practice of ICM and engage with the specialist commissioning board and clinical reference groups as well as establishing and maintaining links with the health structures of the previous health administrations.

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