Local Engagements

Between 2015 and 2019 the Faculty undertook a series of local workforce engagements, designed to bring together stakeholders from across a region to build up a picture of both key local workforce messages and Trust-level projection data. 

Please click below to read Critical Engagements which brings together the key themes and discussion points that have arisen from the first wave of regional workforce engagements. 

In November 2015 the Faculty began a programme of regional workforce engagement meetings starting in Wales. The feedback from the meeting was very positive and the second meeting was held in the West Midlands in May 2016. Over the project's duration nine workforce engagement meetings were successfully completed with subsequent meetings in Scotland, Yorkshire and Humber, the North Wes, East Midlands, South West Penisula, Thames Valley and most recently Wessex.


The engagements required buy-in from the region (representatives from each hospital, the network and ideally the LETB/Deanery) and engagement from the RA, TPD and networks. 

The day consisted of a series of short talks from the Faculty and local experts in the region highlighting the aim of the day and the current state of workforce and facilties in the region. This was followed by two in depth workshops where a facilitator helped discussion; the first looked at the current gaps and immediate concerns and the second focussed on mapping the future in various different models. Finally there was a summary session where each group offered feedback to the other. 

Aims of the engagements

  • Describing, through modelling, some set scenarios, the current supply of ICM/critical care facilities in the region and presenting an assessment of likely future (5-10 years) demand.
  • Identifying the likely future location of critical care services based upon current provision and networks of clinical care surrounding regional centres.
  • Presenting the best estimates that can be made of the current trained medical workforce in ICM in the region, their distribution and demographic; and the workforce in training.
  • Conducting network-based discussion sessions to reconcile supply and likely demand for ICM, with the current and projected workforce. 
  • Providing a data report that could be used by the region to exert professional pressure in order to address areas of workforce concern. 

The engagements did NOT aim to:

  • Use the visit to prioritise a particular workforce solution or to replace the local expertise in areas like the planning of training numbers (which is the responsibility of the Regional Advisor in conjunction with the regional Specialist Training Committee).
  • Use it as an opportunity to police the uptake of GPICS.  Recommendations and Standards in GPICS will be used as opportunities to model future potential future demands on the workforce in the region.

The engagement resulted in a final report and its appendices which could be used by the local stakeholders (across the Trusts/Health Boards, Networks, LETB/Deaneries and Government) to manage workforce decisions in the specialty. 

The reports following the Faculty's Regional Workforce Engagement meetings can be found below  


West Midlands


Yorkshire and Humber

North West

East Midlands

South West Peninsula

Thames Valley


Want to know more?

Read more on the key themes and discussion points from the first wave of regional engagements