Guidance on the Combined Programme route to CCT

Published 03/05/2022

The suggested process

  • StR successful in obtaining ICM higher specialist training post
  • StR to contact region’s TPD & RA regarding a request to count prior training outside their core programme
  • RA & TPD to ask StR for the evidence discussed above to be sent to them for consideration
  • TPD & RA to assess the evidence and align to the Stage 1 HILLOs
  • TPD & RA to inform the StR of their final decision regarding the prior training that can be counted towards the Stage 1 HILLOs
  • If there is any doubt or difficulties the Lead RA should be contacted for advice
  • TPD to inform the StR’s Educational Supervisor (ES) of the outcome of the assessment
  • ES to introduce and instigate meeting to undertake a gap analysis of the remaining training required for Stage 1 and produce a Personal Development Plan (PDP).