Board & Committees

The diagram below indicates how the Board, Committees and Sub-Committees of the Faculty link together.

Linkage of committees
Graphic showing the Key FICM Statistics for 2024
2024 Key FICM Statistics

Committees, Advisory Groups & Sub-Committees

The Professional Affairs & Safety Committee (PAS) is one of the three standing committees of the Faculty.   It is responsible for ICM matters relating to guideline endorsement, good practice documentation, commissioning matters, revalidation and policies relating to patient safety, competencies, clinical audit and doctors in difficulty. 

  • Dr Dale Gardiner (Chair)
  • Dr Monika Beatty
  • Dr Irfan Chaudry
  • Dr Peyton Davis
  • Dr Sandeep Gudibande
  • Dr Pete Hersey
  • Dr Angelia Lim (Doctor in training)
  • Dr Jay Patil
  • Dr Mike Spivey
  • Dr Jamie Yarwood
  • Dr Joseph Alderman (Co-optee: Digital Technologies)
  • Dr Mike Carrareto (Co-optee: Critical Care Networks)
  • Deborah Mayo (Co-optee: ICUSteps)
  • Dr Marlies Ostermann (Co-optee: ICS)
  • Dr Debbi Scotting (Co-optee: NHS Improvement)
  • Dr Anthony Smith (Co-optee: SSUAG rep)

The Training, Assessment and Quality Committee (TAQ) is one of the three standing committees of the Faculty. It is responsible for ICM matters relating to the curriculum, assessment tools, the logbook, e-learning, examinations, specialty area training and quality assurance.

  • Dr Sarah Clarke (Chair, FICM Board Member and Quality Lead)
  • Dr Waqas Akhtar (Lead StR Representative)

  • Dr Shashi Chandrashekaraiah (FICM Board Member and CESR Lead)

  • Dr Liza Keating (ACCS Representative for ICM and Differential Attainment Lead)
  • Dr Sarah Marsh (Chair of the Education Sub-Committee)
  • Dr Dhruv Parekh (FICM Board Member and Academic Training Lead)
  • Dr Victoria-Anne Robson (Chair of the Court of FFICM Examiners)
  • Dr Andrew Sharman (Lead RA in ICM)
  • Dr Esther Davis (Co-optee: ICM RA for Northern Ireland)
  • Dr Teresa Evans (Co-optee: ICM RA for Wales)
  • Dr John Glazebrook (Co-optee: PICM Representative for ICM)
  • Dr Neil Young (Co-optee: Lead RA for Scotland)
  • Dr Jo Szram (Co-optee: Lead Dean)
  • Dr Matt Thomas (Co-optee: PHEM Representative for ICM)
  • Dr Ritoo Kapoor (SSUAG Representative)
  • Dr Rosalinde Tilley (Corresponding Member: FICM LLP Trainer Representative)
  • Dr Chris Jacobs (Corresponding Member: FICM LLP StR Representative)

The Careers, Recruitment and Workforce Committee (CRW) is one of the three standing committees of the Faculty. It is responsible for ICM matters relating to the selection and recruitment, careers (including the FICM Career Strategy) and workforce (including the census, regional enagement meetings and workforce planning).

  • Dr Matthew Williams (Chair)
  • Dr Andrew Martin (Careers Co-Lead)
  • Dr Manish Pandey (SAS Lead)
  • Dr Richard Porter (Workforce Lead)
  • Dr Liz Thomas (Recruitment Lead)
  • Dr Ascanio Tridente (Careers Co-Lead)
  • Dr Som Sarkar (EDI Lead)
  • Dr Zoe Brummell
  • Ms Carole Boulanger (FICM ACCP Sub-Committee Representative)
  • Dr Richard Bourne (FICMPSC Deputy Chair)
  • Dr Robert Docking (Deputy Recruitment Lead)
  • Dr Rory MacKenzie (Representative for the Careers & Workforce Section: Scotland)
  • Dr Tim Meekings
  • Dr Cath Roberts (WICM Chair)
  • Dr Rosie Worrall (FICM Trainee Representative)
  • Dr Teresa Evans (Co-optee: Representative for the Recruitment Section: Wales)
  • Dr Esther Davis (Co-optee: Representative for the Recruitment Section: Northern Ireland)
  • Dr Jo Szram (Co-optee: Lead Postgraduate Dean for ICM)
  • Dr Neil Young (Co-optee: Representative for the Recruitment Section: Scotland)
  • Dr Ash Basu (Co-optee: Representative for the Recruitment Section: RCEM)
  • Dr Jack Kasterlik (Co-optee: Representative for the Recruitment Section: RCP)
  • Dr Caroline Evans (Corresponding Member: Representative for the Recruitment Section: RCoA)

The ACCP Sub-Committee (ACCPSC) reports to the FICMCRW and is responsible for all matters relating to Advanced Critical Care Practitioners, including the curriculum, the conference and CPD arrangements.

  • Dr Gregor McNeil (Co-Chair)
  • Ms Natalie Gardner (Co-Chair)
  • Mr Bill Allen
  • Dr Richard Browne
  • Ms Carole Boulanger
  • Dr Andrew Drummond
  • Ms Emma Duane
  • Mr Rick Faulkner
  • Dr Andrew Ferguson
  • Dr Andy Georgiou
  • Dr Rachel Markham
  • Ms Kate Mayes
  • Ms Emily Phillips
  • Ms Roberta O'Donnell
  • Mr Steve Simpson

The Pharmacy Sub-Committee (FICMPSC) reports to the FICMCRW and is responsible for all matters relating to Critical Care Pharmacists, including the membership engagement, education and training and workforce.

  • Mr Greg Barton (Chair)
  • Dr Richard Bourne (Deputy-Chair)
  • Ms Emma Boxall
  • Dr Daniele Bryden
  • Dr Dereck Gondongwe
  • Ms Lorraine Moore
  • Ms Emma Taylor

The Smaller and Specialist Units Advisory Group (SSUAG) is a new advisory group to the Board and is responsible for ensuring the considerations of smaller and specialist units are central to Faculty business across training, standards and workforce.

  • Dr Jack Parry Jones (Chair)
  • Dr Catriona Barr (Shetlands)
  • Dr Eleanor Checkley
  • Dr Chris Clarke (Northern Ireland)
  • Dr Sandeep Lakhani (NACCS)
  • Dr Ritoo Kapoor
  • Dr Manish Pandey (SAS Rep)
  • Dr Anthony Smith (Wales)
  • Dr Jon Sturman (Northern England)
  • Dr Chris Walker (ACTACC)
  • Dr Stephen Wilson (Scotland)

The Legal & Ethical Policy Unit (LEPU) reports to the Professional Affairs & Safety Committee.  It provides the specialty with advice and proactive guidance on legal and ethical matters.

  • Dr Monika Beatty (Chair)
  • Dr Behrad Baharlo (Clinician)
  • Dr Sonya Daniel (Clinician)
  • Dr Vaidehi Godbole (Clinician)
  • Mr Alex Ruck Keene (Barrister, England & Wales)
  • Mr Neil Mackenzie (Advocate, Scotland)
  • Mr Michael Potter (Barrister, Northern Ireland)
  • Dr Ian Thomas (Clinician)
  • Mr Ben Troke (Solicitor, England & Wales)

FICM are represented on the RCoA's LLP Maintenance and Development Group by:

  • Dr Rosalinde Tilley (FICM LLP Trainer Representative)
  • Dr Chris Jacobs (FICM LLP StR Representative)

The FFICM Examination Sub-Committee (FESC) looks after the FFICM examination and reports to TAQ.

  • Dr Victoria-Anne Robson (Chair)
  • Dr Jerome Cockings (Vice Chair/Audit Chair)
  • Dr Jonathan Coles (MCQ Chair)
  • Dr Tom Billyard (MCQ Vice Chair)
  • Dr Victoria-Anne Robson (OSCE Chair)
  • Dr Peter Shirley (OSCE Vice Chair)
  • Dr Monika Beatty (SOE Chair)

The FICM Education Sub-Committee is respsonsible for free educational content, events and our work with e-learning for healthcare. They report to TAQ

  • Dr Sarah Marsh (Chair)
  • Dr Gilly Fleming (Blog)
  • Dr Kyle Gibson (Case of the Month)
  • Dr Ricky Bell (Podcasts)
  • Dr Gareth Thomas (Podcasts)
  • Dr Ram Matsa (Case of the Month)
  • Dr David Melia (Events)
  • Ms Sonya Stone (ACCP Co-optee and e-Learning)

WICM are a subcommittee of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, working with the Careers, Recruitment and Workforce Committee (FICMCRW). WICM aims to specifically address why fewer women than men pursue a career in ICM. Addressing gender imbalance is necessary to secure diversity of our critical care teams.

  • Dr Liz Thomas (Chair)
  • Dr Sarah Marsh (Deputy Chair)
  • Dr Nish Desai
  • Dr Ingi Elsayed
  • Dr Mishti Oberoi (Trainee Rep)
  • Prof Barbara Philips
  • Dr Hannah Potter (Trainee Rep)
  • Dr Catherine Roberts
  • Dr Aoife Quinn
  • Dr Manni Waraich
  • Dr Christine Watson

The StR Sub-Committee (StRSC) was recently established to directly represent the interests and views of ICM Specialty Registrars (StRs) throughout their training. The StRSC reports into the Faculty’s Training, Assessment & Quality Committee (FICMTAQ).

  • Dr Waqas Akhtar (CHAIR: FICM Elected Lead Trainee Representative)
  • Dr Rosie Worrall (DEPUTY CHAIR: FICM Elected Deputy Lead Trainee Representative)
  • Dr Giada Azzopardi (Dual/Triple ICM and Medicine StR Representative)
  • Dr Taqua Dahab (IMG StR Representative)
  • Dr Stuart Edwardson (Dual ICM and Anaesthetics StR Representative)
  • Dr Luke Flower (Academic StR Representative)
  • Dr Chris Jacobs (FICM LLP StR Representative)
  • Dr Alexander Maidwell-Smith (Single ICM CCT StR Representative)
  • Dr Mayur Murali (EDI StR Representative)
  • Dr Gemma Talling (LTFT ICM StR Representative)
  • Dr Fraser Waterson (Dual ICM and Emergency Medicine StR Representative)
  • Dr Sekina Bakare (Co-optee: Chair of the ICS’s Trainee Advisory Group)
  • Dr Esther Godfrey (Co-optee: Trainee Representative of WICS)
  • Dr Larissa Latif (Co-optee: Trainee Representative of SICS)
  • Dr Angela Lim (Co-optee: FICM PAS Committee StR Representative)
  • Dr Matt Rowe (Co-optee: FICM EDAG StR Representative)
  • Dr Andrew Steele (Co-optee: Trainee Representative for Northern Ireland)

The Portfolio Pathway (CESR) Sub-Committee assesses and makes recommendations to the General Medical Council (GMC) for applications for a Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) in Intensive Care Medicine. The Sub-Committee reports into the Faculty’s Training, Assessment & Quality Committee (FICMTAQ).

  • Dr Shashi Chandrashekaraiah (CHAIR: CESR Lead and FICM Board Member)
  • Dr Casiano Barrera Groba (CESR Assessor, ICM Consultant at Royal Sussex County Hospital)
  • Dr Esther Davis (CESR Assessor, ICM Regional Advisor for Northern Ireland)
  • Dr Wadih Habeichi (CESR Assessor, Consultant at Salford Royal Hospital)

  • Dr Prasad Kattimani (CESR Assessor, Consultant at Queen’s Hospital)

  • Dr Manish Pandey (CESR Assessor, ICM Consultant at University Hospital of Wales)

  • Dr Mamta Patel (CESR Assessor, ICM Consultant at University Hospital Birmingham)

  • Dr Louie Plenderleith (CESR Assessor)

  • Dr Stephen Stott (CESR Assessor, ICM Consultant at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary)

  • Dr Stephanie Strachan (CESR Assessor, ICM Consultant at King’s College Hospital)

  • Dr Matthew Williams (CESR Assessor, ICM Consultant at Queen Alexandra Hospital)

  • Dr Nia Davies (CESR Advisor, Consultant at Morriston Hospital)

  • Dr Teresa Evans (CESR Advisor, ICM Regional Advisor for Wales)

  • Dr Deepak Sharma (CESR Advisor, Consultant at City Hospital, Birmingham)  

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)

The Faculty is dedicated to creating a committee environment that values and promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion. We believe that diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences contribute to the richness of our discussions and enhance the quality of our decision-making processes as we strive to work towards our Strategic Aims.

In alignment with our commitment to EDI, members of our committees are expected to:

  1. Foster an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere, respecting and embracing individual differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, ability, professional background and other characteristics.
  2. Actively seek and consider a variety of perspectives in discussions and decision-making processes, recognising that diversity of thought leads to innovative and effective solutions.
  3. Strive to eliminate any form of discrimination, bias, or exclusion within the committee, and work towards creating an environment where all members feel valued and heard.
  4. Promote equal opportunities for participation, engagement, and leadership within the committee, ensuring that all voices have the chance to be heard and contribute.
  5. Regularly review and assess our practices to identify and address any barriers to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and actively work towards continuous improvement.

By adhering to these principles, we aim to create a committee culture that reflects the diverse and dynamic nature of our community, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to the best of their abilities.

Want to know more about the Faculty Board?
Meet the current members.