About FICMLearning


Since its launch in February 2020, FICMLearning has aimed to:

  • Provide a hub for regular educational outputs.
  • Signpost other useful resources. The meteoric rise of free and open access medical education (FOAMEd) has led to the production of an incredible array of quality resources. 
  • Give e-ICM a strong Faculty identity. The partnership between the Faculty and e-Learning for Healthcare is a strong and productive one, and prominent placement within FICMLearning increases the accessibility of the programme and highlights Faculty ownership.
  • Make pre-existing educational resources easy to access. Various committees and groups within the Faculty have been producing excellent resources for a long time, but we know that they weren’t always easy to locate on the Faculty website.
  • Provide a central registry of national educational events. We are asking for anyone organising an educational event to tell us so that we can advertise it on FICMLearning.

FICMLearning was originally built and hosted on a separate website; it was incorporated into the newly built FICM website in 2022. 



The resources on FICMLearning feature multiple voices from the critical care community and do not necessarily constitute FICM policy.

Reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that clinical material is accurate at the time of publication. It is presented for educational purposes only and does not constitute or replace professional advice.

Links are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the FICM. The FICM bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.


The FICMLearning team

FICMLearning is one of the workstreams of the Education Sub-Committee of the FICM. Members with named responsibility for FICMLearning are:

  • Sarah Marsh – Chair
  • David Melia – Deputy chair
  • Gilly Fleming, Samantha Gaw & Cathy Challifour – Blogs
  • Ramprasad Matsa & Catriona Felderhof – Case Of The Month
  • Gareth Thomas & Rik Bell – Podcasts
  • David Melia & Jonathon Wong - Simulation Scenarios
  • Sonya Stone & Kyle Gibson - e-ICM
  • Matt Rowe - Trainee Representative

Faculty support for FICMLearning is provided by Beenal Tailor and Anna Ripley.

FICMLearning will continue to grow.

In order to make FICMLearning as useful and valued as it can be, we need your suggestions and ideas. We would also be grateful for any offers to produce content.