Contact Details
- Address: Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 84 Castle Street, Glasgow, G4 0SF
- ICU Department Contact Details - 0141 201 5430
- Faculty Tutor Name: Dr Richard Cowan
Unit Structure
Overview of Case Mix within the Unit:
- Admits general surgical (upper GI, colorectal, pancreatic), general medical, urology, gynaecological, orthopaedics, and plastic surgical patients.
- Tertiary referral centre for complex pancreatitis and Scottish national burns centre for adults.
- No paediatric beds.
- Busy maternity hospital onsite with abnormally invasive placenta service.
- On site Interventional radiology suite/services. Intestinal failure, complex sarcoma and robotic surgery services in the hospital.
- Busy medical department with several specialties. Located in area with high levels of comorbidity and deprivation with subsequent complex health needs in local population.
- Trauma Unit in Scottish trauma network.
- There is no split site working at this site
Research projects being undertaken within this Unit:
- InS:PIRE – post-intensive care rehabilitation clinic with several associated research streams/projects
- Recruitment for several RCTs/cohort studies including TRAITS, SHORTER, MARCH, ABC-ICU and GenOMICC with support from clinical research facility/research nurses
- ICU Biobank project
- Academic consultants with dedicated CSO research fellowship funding/time
- Research team and Prof. Quasim (University of Glasgow Professor of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine) supervise several students/research fellows with ongoing projects that interested trainees can potentially get involved with
- Wide-ranging quality improvement programme with several embedded ongoing projects.
Overview of the staffing for the Unit (including medical, ACCP, AHPs)
- FY1 doctors working 12.5 hour shifts.
- 10 trainees on the rota at a time. Two trainees on call together at all times doing 12.5 hour shifts in both sides of the unit. Trainees come from ACCS, IMT and anaesthetic backgrounds from CT1 – ST7 grades.
- Additionally we usually have 1-2 senior/advanced ICU trainees who take part in the consultant on call rota but always with a first on call consultant immediately available if required.
- 4.5 ACCPs providing mostly day time cover
Training opportunities when working at this Unit:
- Training in point of care ultrasound
- Opportunity to attend theatre for airway experience
- Exposure to paediatric emergencies - not regularly
- Interhospital transfers - if required
- Acting up as an ICM Consultant (for Stage 3 trainees)
- Other: Several FUSIC(Heart) mentors and mentors for other modules (HD, lung, abdo, vascular).
- Weekly grand round, structured CPD tutorials and online archive of previous tutorials.
- Weekly morbidity and mortality with monthly in depth reviews if required.
- Percutaneous tracheostomy insertion training.
- Bronchoscopy simulator
- Tertiary referral centre for burns and complicated pancreatitis patients.
- Affiliated with Glasgow University providing research opportunities.
- Regular use of Intermittent Haemodialysis for renal replacement therapy.
- Exposure to complex intestinal failure and sarcoma patients and their management
Departmental Teaching:
Details of clinical governance meeting days and/or M & M:
- Weekly M&M meeting as part of grand round meeting.
- Quarterly MDT governance meetings
The medical specialties and subspecialties it is possible to complete within theTrust/Health Board:
- Stage 1: Emergency Medicine, Medicine & Anaesthesia
Which SSYs are offered in your unit:
- Academic Research
- Critical Care Echo
- QI in Healthcare
Other facilities:
- Multi-storey car park on site with a dedicated floor for non-permit holding staff.
- Spaces available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
- On-call rooms with rest and wash facilities for medical staff within ICU floor plan.
- On-site canteen/WH Smiths and Aroma coffee shops providing mostly in-hours catering.
- Out-of-hours food provision for wider hospital via vending machines.
- ICU coffee room has staff run “tuck-shop” and facilities for heating/storing food.