The diagnosis of death using neurological criteria is an important diagnosis made almost exclusively in the UK by intensive care doctors
Latest news
Collaborative working between emergency medicine and critical care framework launched
The GMC has recently published an update confirming the continued use of the approved COVID curriculum derogations for ARCPs this year with some useful detail around flexibility
The Faculty are delighted to announce that the new ICM Curriculum: Supporting Excellence has now officially been approved by the General Medical Council (GMC).
The Royal College of Anaesthetists, which administers and delivers the FFICM examinations, has released the below statement regarding examination fees for the 2020/2021 academic year. The costings outlined below have been deferred until January 2021 but will apply from that date onward.
Following the decision by the Faculty Board in late 2018, the Fellow by Assessment route will close at midnight on 16 December 2019. We wish to publicise the route closure again to allow time for those thinking of applying to submit an application.
Important changes to the membership routes of Fellowship by Assessment and Associate Fellowship.