Membership FAQs

See the Membership page for more information.

No. Faculty regulations state that applicants must be full Fellows of one of the FICM trustee Colleges in order to be awarded FFICM. Doctors holding overseas qualifications such as FCARCSI or UK qualifications from a non-trustee College such as the RCPCH are not eligible for FFICM, but can be awarded Associate Fellowship of Faculty (AFICM). Associate Fellows who have held AFICM for over two years and have made a clear contribution to the work of the Faculty in their professional lives (for example by being a Faculty Tutor or sitting on a Faculty committee) can apply for FFICM via Fellowship Ad Eundem.

The Faculty does not consider it appropriate to award the FFICM post-nominals to clinicians who do not have any programmed activity of direct care dedicated to ICM, during which the applicant is responsible for directing the care of critically ill patients in the intensive care unit without concurrent responsibility to other services. Out of Hours on-call work alone does not meet this requirement. Should clinicians working in ICM purely in an on-call capacity subsequently undertake a contracted daytime clinical commitment to ICM, they may then apply for an alternative appropriate membership category.

The Faculty considers a minimum of 1 DCC-PA to be an appropriate level of involvement in ICM for the award of post-nominals. Doctors who work in ICM but at less than 1 DCC-PA can apply for Affiliate Fellowship of the Faculty. Should their contracted commitment to ICM subsequently increase, those doctors may then apply for an alternative appropriate membership category.

Yes, provided that you hold full Fellowship of one of the FICM trustee colleges and were part of the old Joint Training programme and currently hold a contracted clinical daytime clinical commitment to ICM equivalent to 1 DCC-PA that can be confirmed by your country’s regulator, please see ask the Faculty for more details on how to apply,

No – applicants for FFICM must hold Fellowship of one of the FICM trustee colleges and have been on the old Joint Training programme.  However, you may be eligible for Associate Fellowship.

The current subscription rates for each category of membership are listed on their respective web pages. Applications received before 1 May of a particular year will be included within that year’s financial billing. See here for current subscription rates.

No. Such Fellows will have their subscription date (either April or October) alternated with their College subscription.

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