Welcome to the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
The Faculty is the professional and statutory body for the specialty of Intensive Care Medicine, the doctors who lead critical care services and Advanced Critical Care Practitioners, and includes Critical Care Pharmacists as members.
The Faculty works on behalf of its members and our wider services to promote education and standards, influence and define national policy, and, most importantly, improve outcomes for our patients and their families.
This website will continue to develop. Let us know what you think.
Latest News
Notice is hereby given that an election for the FICM Deputy Intensivist in Training Representative will be held on 13 November 2024.
The Faculty condemns the recent violence across the UK. Being abused for who we are, whether that is at work or going about our daily lives is completely unacceptable
The latest summary of past, current and future work undertaken by your Faculty, aimed at benefiting both you as our members and the wider specialty
Upcoming Events
The Faculty would not be able to undertake its work without the support of our members.
By joining, you allow us to take forward a significant number of work streams for the future good of our services.