We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the further guidance published by the GMC on the CESR Combined Programme (CESR-CP). On 11 June 2021, the GMC announced that they are now able to issue a certificate of completion of training (CCT) to doctors on a CESR combined programme (CESR-CP) – this is effective from 1 January 2021. The requirement for doctors in training to meet the minimum training time in ICM has now been removed from legislation as a result of the UK’s exit from the European Union. Doctors entering or who have entered the ICM training programme on a combined programme taking into consideration prior unapproved training posts will now be eligible for a CCT. 

Retrospective granting of CCTs

  • Single ICM CCT doctors who were issued a CESR-CP where there was no minimum training requirement
  • Single ICM CCT doctors who were issued a CESR-CP since 1 January 2021
  • Dual doctors in training will need to check with your respective Royal College to see if you met the minimum training requirement for your partner specialty.

The GMC have said they will be contacting the doctors affected regarding this. 

If you believe you are eligible to be retrospectively awarded a CCT but do not hear from the GMC, please contact them directly. Please do not contact FICM with queries regarding this – the matter must be taken up with the GMC.

Please be advised that the GMC will not be able to grant all previous CESR-CP doctors with a CCT, as the granting of CCTs is subject to the legislation that was in place at the time the GMC awarded them entry onto the specialist register.

We felt the need to ask the GMC a few questions regarding the process, their answers are as follows:

Single ICM CCT programme

FICM Question: When we register a doctor as a Single ICM CCT Trainee and want to count their overseas/non-training posts, will they now be working towards a CCT rather than a CESR-CP?

GMC Answer: The Faculty will need to follow the process as per usual, i.e. register doctors bringing overseas/non-training posts onto the programme as a CESR-CP. When it comes to their final recommendation onto the Specialist Register, so long as the doctor receives an Outcome 6 in their final ICM ARCP, then the Faculty should recommend them for a CCT. 

Impact on dual CCT training programmes

FICM Question: How will this work for doctors on dual training programmes?

GMC Answer: Effective from 01 January 2021, if a doctor brings any overseas/non-training posts onto either specialty training programme, at the point of registration they will be working towards a CESR-CP but will be granted a CCT so long as they receive an Outcome 6 in their final ARCP for both specialties.

There are no changes to the main CESR (also known as ‘Equivalence’) route to specialist registration.