Changes to the ICM Person Specification 2022

Please be aware of an update to the ICM Person Specification that was made on Thursday 25 November 2021.

The ICM Person Specification requires collaboration from our Partner Colleges to correctly capture the appropriate criteria for doctors leaving their Core Training Programmes and equivalence routes. Unfortunately, this year a late change to the Physicians’ ST3 Person Specification was not shared with our National Recruitment Office.

However, once this was identified we contacted Medical and Dental Recruitment and Selection (MDRS) for immediate assistance to ensure that the Career Progression section for candidates applying from a medicine background was aligned for this route. The updated ICM Person Specification has now been published on the specialty training website.

The changes that have been made to the career progression section for those applicants applying from a medicine training background via Internal Medicine Training or ACCS Internal Medicine, or equivalent are as follows (changes highlighted in bold):

  • Have sufficient experience xv working in medical specialties (not including foundation level experience) by the advertised post start date. This can be via either:
    • Training completed in:
      • UK Core Medical Training or UK ACCS (Acute Medicine)
      • The first two years of UK Internal Medicine Stage 1 Training
      • The first three years of UK ACCS (Internal Medicine)
      • The first three years of UK Broad Based Training (medicine route)
      • A JRCPTB internationally level 3 accredited equivalent CMT programme or the first two years of an Internal Medicine Stage 1 Training programme OR
    • Have at least 24 months’ experience in medical specialties (of which at least 12 months must include the care of acute medical in-patients). Experience in certain acute care common stem specialties can be counted towards the 24 months in some circumstances xvi

The live Person Specification on Health Education England’s website, the linked Person Specification from the Oriel advert and ICMNRO’s website all now link to the correct version and last week the Recruitment Team emailed all applicants that have submitted an application and those in the process of submitting one.

The amended section now contains additional information which helps to clarify the career progression and appropriate stage of training for physician applicants now that they can, if they wish, apply for Standalone ICM training from IMT Y2 (Please see our 2020 key update ‘New for ST3 recruitment from 2021 onwards’ for further details on this option)

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, but it is important that the person specifications align in order for all those eligible to be able to apply.

If you wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact us on

Yours sincerely,         


Dr Jack Parry-Jones   

Chair, FICM Careers, Recruitment & Committee

Dr Tim Meekings

ICM National Recruitment Lead