Faculty Tutors

Faculty Tutors are consultants appointed at hospital level to supervise the training of doctors undertaking the Faculty’s training programmes in Intensive Care Medicine. They are professionally responsible to the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and the local education and training boards but managerially to their trusts/health boards.

Appointment process

Faculty Tutors are appointed by a process coordinated by the relevant Regional Advisor (RA) or, if there is a conflict of interest, by the Deputy RA or a Regional Advisor from a different region. The process will normally include consultation with:

  • The local hospital’s consultants in Intensive Care Medicine (ICM);
  • Clinical Director/Lead Clinician for ICM;

Support should already be in place for the need for a Faculty Tutor from the Trusts'/Health Boards' lead educators, most likely the Director of Medical Education (DME) or their deputy (DDME) and the Postgraduate School, often represented by the Head of School or the nominated deputy. All should be informed of the new appointment to endorse it but it is not necessary to seek approval from these parties pre-appointment.

Often there is only one applicant, agreed by the ICM consultants and the ICM Regional Advisor. Endorsement for appointment is then sought from the Medical Director representative, most often the clinical lead for ICM/Clinical Director.

If there is more than one applicant in good standing, the Regional Advisor will decide if an interview or ballot is required. The interview panel should comprise of a representative from the ICU – most likely the lead clinician (or their nominated deputy), the Director of PGME (or their nominated Deputy), the ICM RA (or their Deputy) and a nominee of the Postgraduate Dean. A ballot may be held with the applications and CVs being reviewed by the above members. A simple vote with a majority will suffice and in the event of an equality of votes, the Regional Advisor will have the casting vote, which they can delegate to the Director of Medical Education (or nominated deputy) if there is a conflict of interest.

The name of the appointee will then be sent to the Faculty for ratification.

The Faculty Tutor Roles and Responsibilities document and the Person Specification can be viewed below, along with the Faculty Tutor Application Form.

Endorsement by Regional Advisor

Please note that any application for Faculty Tutor status must be endorsed by the local Regional Advisor in ICM.  Please send the completed FT application form to: contact@ficm.ac.uk

If the FT Application Form is not countersigned by the RA, then the application must be received directly from the ICM RA with written endorsement. Applications not endorsed by the local RA ICM will be returned. 

You should contact your Regional Advisor for ICM for information on any Tutor roles available in your region.

Are you applying to be a Faculty Tutor?
Email your completed and RA-endorsed application to FICM.