Contact Details
- Address: Colchester General Hospital, Turner Road Colchester CO4 5JL
- ICU Department Contact Details - 01206 742386
- Faculty Tutor Name: Dr Steve Cole -
Unit Structure
- Number of Beds: 16
- Number of Admissions per year: Level 3: 350 Level 2: 300
- Percentage of Elective vs Emergency Admissions: Elective 17% Emergency 83%
Overview of Case Mix within the Unit:
- Colchester General Hospital Critical Care Unit is recognised for all Stages of Intensive Care Medicine training.
- Emergency medical admissions comprise around 70% of admissions. Co-morbidity in the local population is prevalent. Of the remaining admissions, around half are elective surgical cases and half follow emergency surgery.
- We are a centre for elective and emergency major vascular, major colorectal and robotic surgery.
- The Dame Clare Marx Elective Orthopaedic Centre opened in 2024, adding 8 operating theatres and making ESNEFT a major hub for orthopaedic procedures.
- Although 16 beds are commissioned, surge capacity during the covid pandemic facilitated up to 28 patients.
- There is additionally a Postoperative Care Unit which provides care for a further 2-6 elective patients.
- Critically ill children undergo initial stabilisation by the critical care team before retrieval. There are between 20-40 paediatric retrievals annually
- There is no split site working within this unit
Research projects being undertaken within this Unit:
The department is actively involved in research, current trials include:
1. REMAP-CAP trial
2. SIGNET trial
3. UK-ROX trial
4. MOSAIC trial
Recent trials include CIRCA and EFFORT
Overview of the staffing for the Unit (including medical, ACCP, AHPs)
Consultant cover is 1 in 10: resident from 08:00 to 22:00.
Two consultants cover the unit in the morning.
Currently we have the following non-consultant staffing. There is a minimum of 3-4 during weekdays: An airway-trained rota with doctors from core anaesthetic, ACCS or Anaesthesia/ICM specialty training background; we also have clinical fellows and specialty doctors. Non-airway rota includes ACCS trainees, IMT trainees, foundation year doctors and advanced critical care practitioners (ACCPs)
There is a nurse in charge, and a 24 hour Critical Care Outreach Team service.
The unit has a range of allied disciplines providing expertise, including a Clinical Psychologist.
Training opportunities when working at this Unit:
- Training in point of care ultrasound - accredited FUSIC mentors
- Opportunity to attend theatre for airway experience
- Exposure to paediatric emergencies - as well as NICU experience
- Interhospital transfers
- Acting up as an ICM Consultant (for Stage 3 trainees)
- There are twice daily multidisciplinary consultant ward rounds although senior trainees will be encouraged to lead on these.
- There is a daily microbiology ward round, and a weekly rehabilitation multidisciplinary ward round.
- On-calls will give exposure to critically ill adults and children and their immediate stabilisation.
- There is a regular ICU follow up clinic, which trainees are encouraged to attend. Attendance is also encouraged at weekly M&M meetings and departmental governance meetings.
- The unit is equipped with a variety of modern organ support forms, including citrate haemofiltration. Our ventilators and point-of-care ultrasound machines are state-of-the-art having been replaced in 2020.
- We have an electronic clinical information system for documentation and prescription (MetaVision).
- There is good opportunity to be involved in teaching and simulation; quality improvement; and research.
- Timetabled “Educational Development Time” is provided to aid this.
- We are able to provide FUSIC echocardiography training with accredited mentors.
- FFICM and FRCA viva practice can also be facilitated.
Departmental Teaching:
- Weekly ICM teaching delivered by consultants, including simulation
- Weekly anaesthetic teaching also by consultants
- Bi-weekly journal club
- Trust Grand Round
- FUSIC-training
Details of clinical governance meeting days and/or M & M:
Weekly M&M and monthly governance meetings are held
The medical specialties and subspecialties it is possible to complete within theTrust/Health Board:
- Stage 1: Emergency Medicine, Medicine, Anaesthesia
Which SSYs are offered in your unit:
Other facilities:
- Car parking (via permit) and cycle parking facilities on site
- The department has on-call rooms and access to hospital accommodation
- There is a 24 hour library; departmental IT facilities; and dedicated resource room for teaching/meetings
- There are a number of on-site facilities serving food (restaurant, M&S, Costa, Subway, WH Smith) until 21:00