Lung, abdo, heart, DVT, vascular access
Events calendar
I 08:30 - 17:00
A hands-on course to improve knowledge and practical skills pertaining to Bronchoscopy in an intensive care setting.
I 08:30 - 17:00
A hands-on course to improve knowledge and practical skills pertaining to Bronchoscopy in an intensive care setting.
08.30 am- 05.10pm
The RCEM are hosting an EM and ICM Careers Day on 30 April
Recognising & Responding to Maternal Deterioration: Implementing MEWS
Scottish Intensive Care Society Conference 2025 is now open for booking.
09.20am - 17.00pm
Online Training Leadership Annual Meeting (TLAM) for ICM RAs, FTs and CDs.
Martha's Rule: A Practical Guide to Implementation to Improve Patient Safety
Hospital at Night Summit: Optimising Out of Hours Healthcare Delivery.