Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine Board Election 2024

Published 18/06/2024

Notice is hereby given that an election for four consultant vacancies on the Board of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine will be held on Monday 7 October 2024.

Board vacancies

The Board of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is the main decision-making body of the Faculty, responsible for its overall direction and strategy. The 15 elected Board Members combine to make a supportive and proactive team. Come and be a part of that team.

Elected candidates will take office at the Board meeting in January 2025. Candidates should ensure that they are able to take up their post from the start date.  

The term of office for elected Board members is four years. Those elected will be eligible to be re-elected for a second term of four years. Those eligible to stand are Fellows and Associate Fellows of the Faculty complying with the conditions of the Regulations.  

Candidates for election

Fellows eligible to stand for election will be sent (via email) information describing the election process and how to apply. Candidates must complete and submit the Form of Notice of Intention to Stand. The form must include the details of two Fellows of the Faculty, in good standing, who support the candidate’s application (we may approach these supporters to confirm). Candidates may submit, as part of their Notice of Intention to Stand, a statement that must not exceed 300 words and which contains details of the candidate’s career in Intensive Care Medicine. There is not any requirement to submit such a statement; it is entirely voluntary. By submitting the form, candidates are confirming that the information provided is true and correct. Any statement submitted will be published online and included with the list of candidates issued with the ballot papers. Please complete the forms and return by email to the FICM Secretariat via contact@ficm.ac.uk by 5pm on Monday 12 August.

NB: You will receive a confirmation email from the Faculty that we have received your Notice of Intention to Stand Form, if you do not receive this email please follow this up with us as your application may have been blocked by our spam filter in error. 

Diversity, equality and inclusion is an integral part of our culture at FICM so it is important to us that this is reflected in our recruitment practices. We strongly encourage applications from individuals from all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities and perspectives to ensure we maintain an inclusive culture that encourages, supports and celebrates our differences.


Important dates

Completed Nomination Forms (ie Notification of Intention to Stand Forms) must be received by the FICM Secretariat no later than 5pm on Monday 12 August 2024. Any forms received after this date will not be accepted. The names of the candidates and whom they have been nominated by will be published on the Faculty website on Wednesday 14 August 2024. 


The election will be conducted entirely electronically via the voting website SimplyVoting. Ballot papers will be sent by email on Thursday 5 September 2024 to your primary email address registered at the Faculty. Fellows are requested to give notice to the FICM inbox (contact@ficm.ac.uk) without delay if they have changed their email address so they can receive their voting details.  

There is a planned delay between receiving the nomination forms and sending out the ballots to allow for the summer holiday period. 

Votes for this election will be accepted online only. Votes must be cast by  12 noon on Friday 4 October 2024. The votes will then be counted, and the results passed to the Faculty; candidates will be notified of the results no later than Monday 14 October 2024. The election results will be declared on Thursday 17 October 2024 and will be published on the Faculty website and in Critical Eye.

If there are any further queries please contact the Faculty.


Election Timeline

Nominations open: Tuesday 2 July
Deadline to submit nomination forms: Monday 12 August 5pm
Voting opens and electronic ballots sent to eligible voters:

Thursday 5 September

Voting closes: Friday 4 October  2024 (noon)
Date of Election: Monday 7 October (results confirmed)

Candidates notified of results:

by Monday 14 October 2024
Results published on website: Thursday 17 October 2024
Date of first Board meeting: January 2025 (face to face meeting at Churchill House)

Further details

Overall principle

  • Board members who cannot keep to the roles and responsibilities below will be asked to stand down.

Board functions: Meetings, emails, papers, due process

  • Board members must attend all meetings of the Board.  Absence should be for exceptional circumstances and discussed with the Dean and Board Secretary.
  • Board members must read papers to be able to engage in discussion at Board meetings.
  • Board members must engage with Board email discussion, including replying to consultation requests and urgent policy decisions.  
  • Board members must be prepared to submit written reports from meetings they attend on the Board’s behalf if they are not able to give an oral report at a Board meeting.
  • Board members must adhere to Board level decisions once taken.
  • Board members should try to attend the FICM annual meeting.
  • Board members tasked with writing papers for the Board should try to provide these at least two weeks before the date of the meeting where it is due to be discussed to ensure other members have the opportunity to read them.

Capacity and conflicts of interest

  • Board members must be prepared to take on additional duties beyond Board meetings, which may include Committee / Working Party membership, representing the FICM on an external group or leading on a piece of work or consultation.  Support will be actively given by the Faculty when trying to negotiate time away with Health Boards and Trusts.
  • Board members must list all actual or potential conflicts of interest and be prepared to relinquish any hats where there is direct conflict or to not take part in discussions where there may be a conflict.
  • Board members should try to limit their non-hospital / non-job plan responsibilities outside the FICM so they have the capacity to take forward FICM work.
  • Board members should try to consult with the Dean before committing to work with external agencies in a personal capacity on matters that may be relevant to the Faculty.

Board members as ambassadors 

  • Board members must act as ambassadors to promote the good standing of the Faculty and the specialty of ICM.
  • Board members must take decisions with the following priority drivers: for the patient, for the profession, for their organisations, and only then for themselves.
  • Board members must be prepared to accept roles offered if they are able to fulfil the role requirements, regardless of their personal interest.  A Board position is not to enable personal self-interest but for the greater good of the specialty and our patients.

Want to know more?

Meet the current Board of the Faculty.