FICM Lifelong Learning Platform FAQs
- All Intensivists in Training that have been successfully recruited onto a UK based ICM training programme (this will include eligible MTI doctors just as it does now).
- We are also able to provide doctors that want to apply for Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) in Intensive Care Medicine with access to the FICM LLP, as long as they are eligible to apply and successfully get approved for either Associate Membership or as a Member (MFICM) of the Faculty.
The bespoke Lifelong Learning Platform (LLP) was launched by the Royal College of Anaesthetists in August 2018 as a much-enhanced upgrade on their former trainee ePortfolio system. The LLP is maintained by an external supplier CACI and we work with them to maintain and develop the FICM ePortfolio.
Having both the FICM and RCoA’s portfolios on the same platform means that doctors on the ICM/Anaesthesia dual CCT Programme will only have to use one platform to record their training. Trainers and Intensivists in Training who do not use the LLP for training in Anaesthesia will be given clear and simple guidance on recording their progress in the e-Portfolio.
We are not going to be mandating or incorporating any specific ICM logbook element to the new system at this stage. This is something we may look to at introducing in the future. Please see our logbook resources for further information and guidance.
Do you have further questions?
If the answer you need is not provided above, please let us know.