FICM/NIHR Clinical Research Network Awards 2023 now open

Since its inception in 2006, the NIHR has significantly increased the scale of clinical research in the NHS, particularly through the Clinical Research Network. The enthusiastic engagement of NHS clinicians is an essential condition for sustaining and building on this success, particularly given the many competing demands on clinician time and resources. These awards recognise the contributions of NHS doctors conducting research alongside their normal jobs.
We are pleased to announce for a sixth year, the joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and NIHR Clinical Research Network research awards for their Fellows, Members and trainees are open.
You do not need to have been awarded large grants before – we are more interested in what you have done and what your future plans are, and these are the criteria we will use to choose the award winners. We are particularly interested in hearing from researchers who have not received large awards in the past, and who are conducting research without the benefit of dedicated time in their contracts.
Early Career Researcher*
*An early career researcher is defined as being health care professionals currently in training posts or within 5 years (excluding career breaks, and extended pro rata for those in less than full-time work) of appointment to substantive NHS (or equivalent) positions. Special consideration will be given to those who can demonstrate they were only able to take up research opportunities later in their career.
Applicants must be:
- NHS clinicians undertaking research alongside their usual clinical roles/duties (clinical academics and those holding substantive university contracts are not eligible). Research can include:
- Promoting / conducting clinical research in healthcare locally or regionally
- Formulating and presenting research questions, such as pilot studies, to regional or national groups
- Completing evidence reviews or contributing to developing evidence based guidelines regionally, nationally or internationally
- Undertaking laboratory-based or data-science research (relevant to critical care)
- One of the following:
- Consultants (FFICM or AFICM) of under 5 years standing at the advertised deadline for application
- Doctors in training on ICM CCT training programmes (Single, Dual or Joint).
- SAS doctors (Members or Associate Members) with at least 1 programmed activity in ICM who have either not passed a relevant postgraduate examination (either in a partner specialty, FFICM or EDIC) or did so within five years of the advertised deadline for application.
Established Clinician
Applicants must be:
- NHS clinicians undertaking NIHR Clinical Research Network portfolio studies alongside their usual clinical roles/duties (clinical academics and those holding substantive university contracts are not eligible).
- One of the following:
- Consultants (FFICM or AFICM) of at least 5 years standing at the advertised deadline for application
- SAS doctors with at least 1 programmed activity in ICM who have passed a relevant postgraduate examination (either in a partner specialty, FFICM or EDIC) at least five years before the advertised deadline for application.
Application Process and Judging
- Applications should be made using the application form. Any additional information submitted will NOT be considered by the panel.
- Completed application forms must be received by 24 September 2023. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged.
- Applications will be assessed by a panel made up of FICM, Clinical Research Network representatives.
- Successful applicants will be notified within one month of the closing date. We expect a high number of applications and are unable to provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants.
Guide to completing your application
Applicants are required to outline their contribution to the leadership (Established Clinician Award) or support (Early Career Clinician Award) to one or more NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio studies with particular weight being attached to:
- How they demonstrate clinical leadership enabling their organisation to increase its participation in clinical studies;
- How they engaged with patients to inform them of new opportunities to participate in clinical research;
- How the involvement of service users and/or carers contributed to the successful delivery of the study
Applicants should set out how they would use the prize money to increase their contribution to NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio studies in future. This may be in the form of support for a personal development plan, or support to develop the trainee network further.
● Established clinicians award of £1,000
● Early career clinicians award of £1,000
Award Presentations
The awards will be presented on 18th October 2023 at the FICM Board meeting. Award winners will be invited to join the FICM Board for lunch and then experience a full Board meeting, which will include a ceremony to present their awards.
Further information
For more information - or if you have any questions about the award, please email:
Twitter hashtag: #FICMCRNAwards