ICM Training Best Practice Statements

Further to the ICM StR Surveys of 2023 the Faculty has worked to develop best practice resources and information for ICM StRs and Trainers. Our aim is for a pragmatic and flexible ICM training programme. This page is a work in progress – please check back for more.

Our thanks to the FICM StR Sub-Committee who have been key to the development of this resource.

PHEM "Keeping in touch" days

The Faculty supports Intensivists in Training who have completed PHEM sub-specialty training to be released for 1 to 2 ‘keeping in touch’ days per month to enable them to maintain currency with their PHEM practice, and is indeed an ARCP requirement for them to proceed to a CCT with subspecialty training.


Protected Airway Training

The Faculty supports regular protected anaesthetic time for maintenance of anaesthetic capabilities for doctors on the single ICM, Dual EM & ICM and Dual/Triple Medicine & ICM CCT programmes during training when insufficient exposure is available on call or on the intensive care unit. Remember that from Stage 1 to 2 the Anaesthetic HiLLO capability increases from level 2 to 3 so additional airway skills must be attained, and this should be evidenced by a logbook, and is an ARCP requirement.


Protected Time for Research/QI/Skills

The Faculty supports the incorporation of protected time for the development and maintenance of curriculum learning outcomes (research, QI/audit, and skills such as ultrasound etc.) This is an ideal use of EDT and should be provided within contractual work hours and not reliant on trainees' personal time. 


Best Practice for the Management of Intensivists in Training

Our recent ICM StR Survey highlighted concerns regarding the variability in the experiences of Intensivists in Training (IiTs) from medical and emergency medicine backgrounds compared to those from an anaesthetic background. The RCoA and FICM Training Committees felt it was important to outline the general principles on how these doctors should be supported by anaesthetic and critical care departments. There is complexity in providing such bespoke training and both training committees would like to thank their entire network of trainers for their hard work and dedication in supporting doctors from such diverse backgrounds. 

This section is a work in progress.
We will be adding material over time.