
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global healthcare emergency and the NHS is facing an unprecedented crisis.

Written by: Gilly Fleming
You must be mad! The usual response from single CCT colleagues in a now increasing frequency – more exams, more portfolios, longer training, increased cost – all to start on the same pay scale.

Written by Dr Colin McAdam
New academic year – new blog post!Hello – I’m Liz Thomas – a consultant in intensive care medicine and anaesthesia and I am delighted to have taken over the role of Chair of the WICM committee from Dr Rosie Baruah.

Written by: Liz Thomas
Max and Keira’s Law came in to force on the 20th May 2020 and brought renewed hope to the thousands of people on the UK transplant waiting list.

Written by: Claire Williment
In this blog, David describes bias and how it can have a profound effect on people’s lives. Implicit or unconscious bias may be described as attitudes that affect our understanding, perceptions, actions, and decisions without us having an awareness of their effect on us.

Written by Dr David Baglow