ICM CCT Registration Form - test webpage DO NOT USE

  • Current Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3
  • Part 4
  • Part 5
  • Parts 6 & 7
  • Complete

NB: This form is not currently live - we are due to launch it in April 2025. If you have been appointed to the ICM CCT Programme and would like to register with us then please use the ICM CCT Reg Form that can be found on our website (via the link below), until further notice.


This form should ONLY BE USED by doctors who have been appointed to a CCT programme in Intensive Care Medicine in the UK. You should not complete the form until you have met and discussed your training with your ICM Regional Advisor/Training Programme Director. 

If you don't know who your ICM RA or TPD is please email us via: contact@ficm.ac.uk and we will provide their contact details. 

  • Doctors completing modules of ICM training outside of an ICM CCT programme should complete and return an ICM Affiliate Trainee Registration Form.
  • Intensivists in Training (IiTs) must hold a valid National Training Number (NTN) in ICM (and in a partner specialty, if undertaking the ICM Dual or Triple CCTs). If you don't know your NTN yet you can still complete the form, just remember to send it to us after your Deanery/LETB has issued it to you. 
  • The ICM CCT registration form must be completed in full and submitted online. Please read the instructions in the form carefully. 

  • You do not have the ability to save part of the form and complete it later. If you navigate away from the form at any point your data will be lost. Please ensure you complete and submit the form in one session.

  • Please do not use the browser back button while completing this form. You can use the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons at the bottom to go backwards and forwards through the form. 

  • If you are having difficulty submitting this webform, please try using either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browsers.


It is a requirement to discuss your training with your ICM Regional Advisor and or Training Programme Director before registering with the Faculty & completing this form, so please kindly confirm you have done this before proceeding.

A copy of this form will be sent io the ICM RA and TPD on confirmation of your registration with the Faculty. If any information is found to be incorrect (particularly regarding any prior experience/overseas/non-training posts you are bringing onto the ICM CCT programme) it will be reviewed at this point and corrected. Any inaccuracies found in the information provided may impact on your allotted placements, timeliness of rota provision and NTN allocation.

Part 1: Personal Details

Please enter your forename and any/all middle names as per your entry in the GMC's register
Full Address (must include postcode):