New2ICU - Candidate information
Candidate manual
The candidate manual is provided to give an overview of the course to the candidate, but it also contains some helpful background reading on many of the topics which may be unfamiliar to someone who has not worked on ICU before. It should be read before attending the course.
Online Learning
The following short lectures support the course by providing some theoretical and technical knowledge to support your time in the ICU.
Cathy Challifour
Alec Snow
Cathy Challifour
Traumatic Brain Injury
Jeanie Worthington
John Wright
Renal Replacement Therapy
Sara Bonfield
Delirium Videos (referenced on the course)
New2ICU Course content
This externally run course is designed to prepare resident doctors and nurses for working in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Looking for more educational content?
Visit our FICMLearning pages.
Related Content
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Information on all iterations of the ICM curriculum and their related assessments