Case of the Month #27 - rhabdomyolysis

Published 02/03/2022


  • Chest radiograph – Dense confluent consolidation within the right upper lobe
  • Blood tests: Hb 168 g/l, WCC 12.9 10^9/L, Platelet count 268 10^9/L, Prothrombin Time 10 sec, CRP 414 mg/L, Urea 10.8 mmol/L, Creatinine 140 umol/L (Baseline 100), Na+ 140 mmol/L, K+ 4.6 mmol/L, CK 43,400 U/L
  • Arterial blood gas on FiO2 0.6: pH 7.44, pO2 11.8 kPa, pCO2 4.1 kPa, HCO3- 23.3 mmol/L , BE -3.1 mmol/L, Lac 1.6 mmol/L
  • Atypical pneumonia screen: Pneumococcal antigen – negative; mycoplasma antigen – negative; Legionella pneumophila antigen – positive.
  • Blood, sputum and urine cultures were negative for other organisms.
  • Urine dip was positive for blood.