Case of the Month #52 The Shocked Patient

Published 15/08/2024

What are the causes of Primary Adrenal Insufficiency?

  • Autoimmune adrenalitis – this is the most common cause in Western Countries and can be associated with syndromes such as Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome type 1 and 2 (APS 1 and 2). Adrenal cortex autoantibodies or antibodies against 21-hydroxylase are present in more than 80% of people with recent-onset autoimmune adrenalitis.  

  • TB 

  • Iatrogenic e.g. bilateral adrenalectomy 

  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (in children) 

  • Infiltration e.g. Amyloidosis 

  • Adrenal haemorrhage 

  • Infarction 

  • Drug side effect e.g. ketoconazole 

  • Infection e.g. fungal infections