Strengthening the resilience of teams helps them overcome daily challenges, and keeps them on track whilst continuing to perform at a high level
The capability of the workforce to be flexible and adaptive enough to respond positively and effectively to internal and external pressures
Coping with and becoming stronger as a result of experiencing and dealing with difficult events is a key skill for those working in critical care
WICM's main areas of work include mentoring, supporting Return to Work, and developing Emerging Leadership
Working together across the UK to promote Intensive Care Medicine as a career choice, irrespective of gender
Information for International Medical Graduates interested in ICM in the UK
Ensure this simple and short survey is completed during its annual collection phase
The Critical Staffing series brings together recognised and practical best practice frameworks on staffing
Bringing together stakeholders from across a region to build up a picture of both key local workforce messages and Trust-level projection data
The Data Bank brings together all the key messages and key data sources on workforce for adult critical care