Join us! FFICM Prep Course Working Party

Published 28/05/2024

The FFICM Prep Course Working Group co-ordinate the FFICM Prep course. This course is a mock day for exam candidates in order to practice exam skills prior to their exam. The day is split into OSCE and SOE sessions.  This course is run twice a year, prior to the Spring and Autumn FFICM OSEC/SOE exam.

We are looking for new members to join the working party. We try to have representatives from across the UK, so would encourage applications from those in Scotland, Yorkshire and London.  


  • The working group are split into the OSCE delivery group, SOE delivery group and the online resource group
  • Working group members are expected to attend planning meetings and to attend at least one course per year
  • SOE and OSCE group members will be responsible for generating new questions for the prep course as well as peer reviewing questions produced by the other group members
  • SOE and OSCE group members will be required to assimilate questions and necessary equipment for each sitting of the prep course
  • The online resource group members will be responsible for commissioning new online content in the form of lectures from eminent speakers and ensure exam syllabus coverage, as well as ensuring the previous content is up to date etc.
  • Working group members will be expected to contribute to the continuous development of the course, in order to give a high-quality experience to the exam candidates.
  • Working group members will be able to attend the FFICM exam as an observer to aid with the production of the FFICM prep course.

Application Process

To apply, please submit a short CV and complete the application form appended below. These will be shared with the appointment panel who will review applications and reach a consensus on those appointed. Please send to by Friday 28 June 2024.