New FAQs on Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs)

Published 06/03/2024

The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine has published a new set of Frequently Asked Questions around Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs)’ purpose and practice. 

These FAQs have been developed by the Faculty with input from our Board members, elected StR Representatives, StR Subcommittee and ACCP Subcommittee. Our thanks also to the network of ICM StR Regional Representatives who provided questions and input.

Click here to read the FAQs in full.


Multidisciplinary care

Intensive care has always had a central focus on multidisciplinary care. ACCPs provide a vital addition to that team and are supported by the Faculty as part of the need for an expanded, appropriately trained, and skilled ICM workforce.

FICM supports ACCPs holding FICM ACCP Membership as a high-calibre professional group who possess an existing professional registration and relevant clinical experience that adds to the ICM Multidisciplinary Team (MDT). The Faculty does not support any widespread UK development in ICM of other roles with alternative titles that may be suggested e.g. Advanced Practice in Critical Care roles, or AA (Anaesthesia Associate) or PA (Physician Associate) roles having direct entry into critical care. There has not been a demonstrated national need for these roles in ICM and the standards of entry and training are lower than those of ACCPs. AAs and PAs would not currently meet the entry requirement for ACCP training. FICM does not maintain curricula for any non-ACCP practitioner roles.


Support for intensivists in training

Intensivists in training, either with a National Training Number (NTN) or undertaking a portfolio pathway towards a Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR), are fundamental to the care of critically ill patients, are the future leaders of our specialty and central to the purpose and future of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine as we progress towards becoming a College of ICM. We recognise the multitude of difficulties facing intensivists in training in the NHS and are working hard to address these with all key stakeholders. The development of ACCP roles should be complementary to and facilitate local training opportunities for intensivists in training.

We want to work collaboratively to foster a supportive environment within Intensive Care Medicine with all members of the MDT. At the core of our work is ensuring our members and fellows understand their value to us, their colleagues, and our patients.