New FICM Dean aims for independent College of ICM

Following an election held in July 2022, Dr Daniele Bryden has now taken up the post of Dean of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. Dr Jack Parry Jones succeeds Dr Bryden as Vice Dean of the Faculty. Dr Alison Pittard OBE will remain on the FICM Board for a year as immediate Past Dean. Dr Bryden said:
"It is my great honour to be elected as the fifth Dean of the Faculty. I hope to work with your support and engagement, to build on the respect ICM has as an indispensable medical specialty and in an uncertain time, focus on what is needed to create a stronger future for ourselves and our patients."
An independent College
Further to Dr Bryden’s election, the RCoA Board of Trustees has agreed to scope the future move of FICM to an independent College of Intensive Care Medicine. Dr Bryden said:
“As a maturing specialty, it is inevitable that ICM looks to its own future as an independent college which directly represents the interests of its fellows and members and the patients we treat. We owe a great deal to the ‘parent’ colleges that founded the Faculty, in particular the RCoA for its support in our early years and look forward to working with the RCoA to establish a ‘roadmap’ to independence. We do not anticipate that this work will be quick, nor without hurdles to clear, but we want our Fellows and members and the wider ICM community to be engaged with and inform every step of the process.
Dr Bryden continued:
"The goal of an independent college will help drive our Strategic Aims, including improving care for patients and their relatives; supporting, and developing the intensive care workforce; and leading intensive care. As the Faculty continues to evolve in its role as the statutory body for Intensive Care Medicine in the UK, we aim to consult, involve, and update Fellows, members and the wider ICM community on developments as we work together to create a College that best meets everyone’s needs and vision for the future.”
Dr Fiona Donald, President of the RCoA, said:
“I am delighted to welcome Danny as the new Dean of the FICM. Intensive Care Medicine has developed enormously since the establishment of the Faculty in 2010 and, whilst I do not anticipate that the move will be a quick one, the RCoA is keen to work with the Faculty to scope its ultimate independence as the UK College of Intensive Care Medicine.”