Martha's Rule: A Practical Guide to Implementation to Improve Patient Safety
This conference brings together leading experts at the forefront of ensuring adherence to Martha’s Rule and offers a comprehensive and practical guide for clinical staff to seamlessly integrate Martha’s Rule into their daily practice. The conference delves into the caregiver’s perspective, principles and implications of Martha’s Rule, legal and patient safety considerations, effective communication strategies, and the use of technology in the adoption of Martha’s Rule.
The conference will also discuss the new approach to managing acute physical deterioration through the prevention, identification, escalation, response – PIER approach which is currently being implemented
Throughout the day, there will be interactive sessions, small breakout groups, and collaborative exercises, fostering a dynamic learning experience.
Martha's Rule: A Practical Guide to Implementation to Improve Patient Safety
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to improve patient safety within the NHS
- Empowering loved ones: reflect on the lived experience of a carer
- Learn about the conceptual foundations and legal implications of Martha’s Rule in the NHS
- Update delegates on the new National Managing acute physical deterioration through the ‘prevention, identification, escalation, response’ (PIER) approach
- Understand the legal framework and ethical considerations surrounding Martha’s Rule to ensure compliance
- Develop effective communication skills to articulate Martha’s Rule to patients and relatives of patients
- Learn how to foster a collaborative decision-making process between patients and clinicians
- Implement best practices for creating a culture within their organisation to embrace Martha’s Rule
- Gain insights into optimising EHR and other technologies to facilitate the second opinion process
- Apply interactive case studies to enhance practical understanding and application of Martha’s Rule
- This conference supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes