Census - clone

We would encourage all ICM consultants to assist the Faculty in every way they can to ensure this simple and short survey is completed during its annual collection phase (usually March to June).

It is essential the Faculty receives a high responses rate so that we can build a robust dataset upon which to base projections. The results of this exercise will be employed by the Faculty to:

  • Illustrate to external bodies the need for our skillset and services within and beyond the ICU, both now and in the future healthcare environment.
  • Facilitate workforce planning. The Faculty is already fully engaged with the Centre for Workforce Intelligence, that has been charged by the DoH to undertake a ‘deep dive’ on the need for consultants in intensive care medicine now and out to the mid 2030s. This exercise can be effective only when informed by the information we now seek from the Fellowship.
  • Inform our discussions with Health Education England concerning the numbers of trainees needed for our specialty, and the manner in which they should be recruited, now and over the next decade. 
  • Enable us to respond to the Shape of Training Review which has made strong recommendations, likely to be adopted by central government, regarding the skillset and competencies needed by the future consultant/trained medical workforce.

2021 Census Information:

  • The 2021 Workforce Census is planned for November 2021

2019 Census Overview:

  • Please click here for a copy of Dr Richard Porter's Workforce Census article, first released in Critical Eye January 2020


Workforce in Intensive Care Medicine

Recruitment to Retirement - A Census update for Fellows and Member

FICM Workforce Advisory Group Position Statement

The Workforce Advisory Group has published a position paper based on the 2014 Workforce Census and the information collected for the CfWI report. The paper:

  • Describes the current physical and human resources available for the delivery for the intensive care to patients in England and Wales
  • Attempts to predict future demand for the clinical service and records the best estimates that can be made of the current and future composition (up to 2035) of the medical workforce
  • Makes recommendations as how to how this data should be employed.

The position paper and accompanying covering letter can be read below: