FFICM Exam Eligiblity Changes

Published 07/05/2024

The Faculty is pleased to announce that changes which have been made to the FFICM Final exam eligibility requirements to allow greater flexibility for candidates when applying for the exam. Registered intensivists in training and ICM trainers have been emailed today with notification of these changes.

These changes have been accepted by the General Medical Council and this will apply for applications for forthcoming future diets of the FFICM. Please note that the content, standard and structure of the examination have not changed, and the below should not result in any changes to candidates’ preparation in that regard.

The changes are:


1. Validity of the primary qualification no longer expires after 10 years

This means that the candidate's relevant primary qualification (Primary FRCA/MRCEM/FRCEM/MRCP (UK)/EDIC etc) remains valid for the FFICM application, no matter how long ago the primary qualification was passed. However, please note that the validity of each part of the FFICM remains as before: an MCQ pass is valid for 3 years, a single pass in SOE or OSCE is valid for 2 years. 

An Intensivist in training (IiT) is eligible to sit the FFICM MCQ once appointed to and commenced ICM ST3, and no longer needs to wait until end of Stage 1 training 


2. An Intensivist in training (IiT) is eligible to sit the FFICM MCQ once appointed to and commenced ICM ST3, and no longer needs to wait until end of Stage 1 training 

This change is designed to benefit those dual trainees who are appointed to ICM relatively late in their partner specialty training and have a short Stage 2 training duration.

However, it is important to note that the standard of the FFICM exam remains the end of Stage 2 training, and the exam will continue to include all of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 curriculum (including anaesthesia, medicine, PICU, CICU, NICU).

Candidates are, therefore, strongly advised:
  • Not to attempt the exam until they are fully prepared at this standard
  • To be aware that an MCQ pass is valid only for 3 years for entry to oral components (OSCE and SOE)
  • To be aware that the oral OSCE and SOE components cannot be taken until Stage 2 ICM training has commenced. 

3. Members and Associate members of the Faculty who wish to sit FFICM are now eligible after 12 months whole-time-equivalent UK ICM experience,

This may be in blocks of at least 6 months continuous duration with a maximum of 7 months between blocks and meet the other eligibility criteria. (Previously 12 months continuous experience was required).


Please click here to view the FFICM Exam Regulations.


If you have any queries regarding the above, please contact facultyexams@rcoa.ac.uk.


Dr Victoria Robson

Chair, FFICM Examiners

Dr Sarah Clarke

Chair, FICM Training, Assessment & Quality Committee