9.1 Delirium assessment and management for critical care

Published 06/06/2024

Suggested data to collect

  • Patient characteristics, including pre-morbid health, cognitive function and frailty.
  • Compliance to the use of a local policy for the management of pain, agitation and delirium.
  • Type of delirium screening tool used and frequency of documentation of the presence or absence of delirium in patient records.
  • Evidence that CAM-ICU or other delirium screening tool is performed and recorded at the agreed frequency.
  • Documentation of the episodes of delirium in patient records.
  • Documentation of actions taken based on the delirium assessment tool results.
  • Methods of intervention – pharmacological and non- pharmacological.
  • Compliance with the use of the delirium management bundle.
  • Sleep quality as measured by a subjective (Richmond Campbell Sleep Questionnaire)8 or objective (polysomnography) methods.