Results and Guidance

Exam Results

All candidates will be emailed directly with their FFICM examination results with a detailed breakdown of the scores. 
To see when you can expect your results to be sent to you after your examination, please see the Exams Calendar here


Guidance for Candidates who fail 

Examination candidates who fail certain FFICM examinations can request a guidance interview with local trainers and FFICM examiners in order to review previous examination attempts and gain advice on how to best prepare for future attempts. Applicants must apply for guidance within one calendar month of the last failed component.

The Faculty provides Guidance Interviews for candidates who have been unsuccessful. These are available for candidates who have failed the following exams more than once:

  • Final OSCE

  • Final SOE

Guidance is not provided for Final MCQ. Candidates should seek advice from their Faculty Tutor.

  • Guidance is not a compulsory requirement for attempts 2-5 therefore not attending an interview will not affect eligibility for the next attempt. However, prior to the sixth attempt at the FFICM OSCE/SOE candidates must have attended a guidance interview.

  • Please note that no special consideration will be given in respect of refunds following guidance interviews.

  • Interviews are arranged locally wherever possible although interviews can be arranged at the Faculty/RCoA if local trainers and examiners are not available.

  • Interviews are limited to one per candidate with the exception of, at the sixth attempt.

Full details can be found in the FFICM Exam Regulations.

To arrange a guidance interview,

please contact the Examinations Department.