Altnagelvin Hospital
Contact Details
- Address: Glenshane Road, Londonderry BT47 6SB
- ICU Department Contact Details - 028 7134 5171
- Faculty Tutor Name: Dr Adrian Donnelly -
Unit Structure
- Number of Beds: 10
- Number of Admissions per year: Level 3:7 Level 2:3
- Percentage of Elective vs Emergency Admissions: Elective 21% Emergency 79%
Overview of Case Mix within the Unit:
Research projects being undertaken within this Unit:
We have a research lead (Dr Adrian Donnelly) and a research nurse 1 FTE (Sinead O’Kane) Our current and recent research activity is as follows
Studies in Set-up:
Recently closed studies
Overview of the staffing for the Unit (including medical, ACCP, AHPs)
12 ICU Consultants, expanding to 16 in 2025. In addition to a 1:8 consultant body, we have 2 SAS grade doctors. We have dedicated 1:8 middle tier rota. This consists of 1 F2, 2 International Medical Graduate. 2 Internal Medicine trainee, 3-4 clinical fellows. We also facilitate anaesthetic trainees undertaking ICM training along with ICM trainees stage 1 and 2. There are currently 2 ANP in training. |
Training opportunities when working at this Unit:
Departmental Teaching:
Details of clinical governance meeting days and/or M & M:
The medical specialties and subspecialties it is possible to complete within theTrust/Health Board:
- Stage 1: Emergency Medicine, Medicine & Anaesthesia
Other facilities: