NES e-Portfolio

The ICM NES e-Portfolio is now CLOSED.

If you have any issues or queries regarding the NES ICM e-Portfolio, please contact us.

The first Intensive Care Medicine ePortfolio was developed with NHS Education for Scotland (NES). The NES ePortfolio was for trainees on the 2010 standalone ICM CCT (either single or dual programmes), and as such was not suitable for trainees on either the new 2021 ICM curriculum or the previous Joint CCT in ICM.

Move to LLP 

We moved our ICM Portfolio to the RCoA's Lifelong Learning Platform (LLP) in August 2021. This move applied to all ICM StRs except for those who were in Stage 3 and close to the end of their training, for whom the GMC gave dispensation to remain on the 2010 standalone curriculum for a short period. LLP accounts were created for all other ICM StRs.

The deadline for transitioning to the new ICM curriculum, ensuring all data was downloaded from the NES portfolio and uploaded as evidence to the LLP was 31 January 2022. Guidance on transferring data from NES to LLP was provided

For those Stage 3 trainees who remained on NES beyond August 2021, were asked to ensure, if their training was to continue beyond August 2022, to ensure that all data had been downloaded and moved to LLP by 31 August 2022 as our contract with NES would cease.

Accessing NES data

If you are an ICM StR that has not yet accessed their old NES data (perhaps on OOP or just returning from any long-term leave), or have had your CCT extended for any reason past 31 August 2022 and not moved to LLP, please contact us