Contact Details
Unit Structure
- Number of Beds: 16
- Number of Admissions per year: Level 3: 400 Level 2: 400
- Percentage of Elective vs Emergency Admissions: 85% vs 15%
Overview of Case Mix within the Unit:
- Medical patients from ED/wards
- Surgical patients (elective and emergency)
- OOHCA/PPCI patients (regional PPCI centre)
- Critically ill haematology patients
- There is no split site working within this Unit
Research projects being undertaken within this Unit:
We are recruiting to UK-ROX, T4P, MOSAICC, SIGNET.
We are opening to RELEASE next year.
Trainees are encouraged to get involved with screening and randomisation.
Overview of the staffing for the Unit (including medical, ACCP, AHPs)
- Two tier resident doctor rota. Minimum one senior and one junior on at all times. Senior tier staffed by ICM and anaesthetic doctors. Junior tier is junior anaesthetics, IMT doctors, ACCS, ACCP.
- Two consultants 0800-1800. One consultant on site 1800-0000, then on call.
- Days – minimum one senior trainee, 2 junior (usually more)
- Nights – one senior and one junior resident doctor.
- We are very fortunate with our AHP team – we have dedicated physio, OT, pharmacy, dietetics, psychology.
Training opportunities when working at this Unit:
- Training in point of care ultrasound
- Opportunity to attend theatre for airway experience
- Exposure to paediatric emergencies
- Interhospital transfers
- Opportunity to attend a Cardiac Catheterisation lab
- Acting up as an ICM Consultant (for Stage 3 trainees)
Departmental Teaching:
Details of clinical governance meeting days and/or M & M:
- Bimonthly governance meetings. Bimonthly M&M.
The medical specialties and subspecialties it is possible to complete within theTrust/Health Board:
- Stage 1: Emergency Medicine, Medicine & Anaesthesia
- Stage 2: Cardiothoracic ICM
Which SSYs are offered in your unit:
- Cardiothoracic ICM
- Critical Care Echo
- Education
- QI in Healthcare
Other facilities:
- Car parking provided (with a charge).
- Facilities for rest during nights provided.
- Rooms in accommodation can be block booked for night shifts.
- Trainee office with internet access and coffee machine.