Regional Advisors & Faculty Tutors
The FICM manages a network of Regional Advisors and Faculty Tutors
The FICM Training, Assessment & Quality Committee are responsible for the appointment and re-appointment of Regional Advisors in ICM (RAs) and Faculty Tutors (FTs) who oversee local ICM training at regional and hospital level. RAs and FTs deliver, advise upon, quality assure and sign off on Intensive Care Medicine training.
Regional Advisors are responsible for ensuring that training and education in Intensive Care Medicine, in their region, is properly delegated and organised, fulfils the requirements of the CCT curriculum, is accessible to all trainees through suitable communication channels, and is appropriately supervised.
Faculty Tutors are consultants appointed to supervise ICM training at hospital level. Each hospital delivering ICM training has a designated Faculty Tutor.
The Lead RA for ICM is Dr Andrew Sharman.

Support for Medical Education and Trainers
- The GMC's State of Medical Education and Practice in the UK: Workforce Report 2024 highlights the urgent need to prioritise support for trainers to keep pace with the growing and increasingly diverse medical workforce. Trainers play a critical role in ensuring high-quality education and development for all doctors, including those navigating unique challenges such as adapting to UK practice or managing rising workloads. Allocating protected time for training roles, as emphasised by the GMC, is essential not only for trainers' job satisfaction but also for maintaining the high standards of patient care demanded by an expanding and ageing population
- Please also see the letter below from the Department of Health & Social Care, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, General Medical Council (GMC) & the NHS's Chief Medical Officer, Medical Director and Chief Executive encouraging trusts and trust Boards to continue to look favourably on requests from doctors seeking support to undertake national or regional work for the wider benefit of the public and of health services across England and the devolved administrations.
- The BMA has recently developed a Consultant Charter (Jan 2025) to provide an overview of the standards you should expect your employers to meet and to help identify where they are falling short. It covers areas such as job planning; safe working patterns; flexible working; workplace environment; facilities and more. One of the specific aims of the charter is to recognise the expertise that consultants bring as senior leaders who have responsibilities for services and their development; teaching, educating the next generation; advancing research and innovation to improve patient outcomes, as well as direct clinical responsibilities.There are dedicated sections on consultants as clinical leaders and as educators, trainers, and lifelong learners, which can be used in job planning discussions with employers.
Training Leads Annual Meeting
The Faculty holds a yearly Training Leadership Annual Meeting (TLAM - previously known as the RA/FT/TPD Meeting).
If you are are a Faculty Tutor, Regional Advisor or Training Programme Director, you will be sent the necessary details by the Faculty, which will allow you to join the meeting when it occurs or access a video recording after the event.
Want to know more?
Browse our Training pages.