Queen Alexandra Hospital
Contact Details
- Address: Queen Alexandra Hospital, Southwick Hill Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 3LY
- ICU Department Contact Details - 02392 286189
- Faculty Tutor Name: Dr Alexandra Belcher/ Dr Richard Clinton - alexandra.belcher@porthosp.nhs.uk
- Richard.clinton@porthosp.nhs.uk
Unit Structure
- Number of Beds: 24
- Number of Admissions per year: 1400 per year
- Percentage of Elective vs Emergency Admissions: 25:75 elective vs emergency
Overview of Case Mix within the Unit:
Research projects being undertaken within this Unit:
Overview of the staffing for the Unit (including medical, ACCP, AHPs)
The unit is divided into East and West sides both taking level 2 and 3 patients (i.e. not run as HDU and ICU) Nursing staff: Staffed for 19 level 3 equivalent beds. Nurse in charge for each side to support the team Consultant Level: Dedicated consultant cover 24/7. 2 consultants run the ICU every day of the year with one consultant covering the night currently as non resident weekdays and resident Friday-Sunday. ACCPs: We currently have 6 qualified ACCPs as well as a further 3 due to finish training soon, and a further 3 started training a year ago. They are able to support both the senior and junior tier of the medical rota. Resident medical staff: We currently run a registrar rota staffed with trainees from ICM and anaesthesia training schemes as well as Fellows (SHO and Registrar) on stand alone posts. We are part of the medical training initiative, taking overseas trainees with an ICM background for their overseas experience. We are one of the Wessex units that provide Respiratory Registrars with their ICM block experience. The SHO rota is staffed with trainees from Foundation, ACCS and IMT programmes as well as Acute Medicine registrars needing to complete their ICU training. We have also taken ED fellows for their ICM competencies. Supernumerary: We take medical students from the University of Southampton and will take students from Portsmouth next year. |
Training opportunities when working at this Unit:
Departmental Teaching:
Details of clinical governance meeting days and/or M & M:
The medical specialties and subspecialties it is possible to complete within theTrust/Health Board:
- Stage 1: Emergency Medicine, Medicine & Anaesthesia
Which SSYs are offered in your unit:
- Academic Research
- Critical Care Echo
- Education
- Home Ventilation
- QI in Healthcare
Other facilities: