
Region Regional Advisor posts available
East of Scotland Dr Judith Joss 20 posts requested across Scotland. Numbers and regional distribution to be confirmed
North & North East Scotland  Dr Paul Gamble
South East Scotland Dr Neil Young
West of Scotland  Dr Katherine McDowall

ICM training in Scotland

ICM training in Scotland is provided within 4 separate regions, to which trainees should apply individually. Although the majority of training will be provided within the region the trainee is appointed to, trainees will have the opportunity to rotate to other regions within Scotland, to complete specialist modules, or gain experience in other units. 

Whilst divided into 4 training regions, Scotland is a single deanery and the ICM TPDs and RAs from across the 4 regions work cohesively together, to ensure the standardisation and quality of training. Oversight of the training programmes at Deanery level, is provided by the Scottish Specialty Training Board for Anaesthesia, ICM and Emergency Medicine and the Lead NES Dean for ICM.

All ICM posts are NES funded, with a single lead employer system. 

The majority of SSY modules can be achieved within the deanery as a whole, and PICM GRID training can be offered across Glasgow and Edinburgh. Scotland has a 4 major trauma centres (1 in each of the 4 regions)and a number of national specialist units including the following:  ECMO service in Aberdeen, advanced heart failure service in Glasgow, liver unit in Edinburgh and Pre-hospital/Aeromedical retrieval services in Glasgow (includes paediatric retrieval) and Aberdeen.

ICM teaching

The training programme has strong links with the Scottish Intensive Care Society Education and Training committee and the SICS trainees' group, who facilitate a number of national trainee-specific, educational events throughout the year, in addition to key SICS events including the SICS Annual Scientific meeting. Each region, also provides its own regional ICM teaching programme and the West and SE regions coordinate local FFICM exam preparation courses. Nationally, there are a number of FUSIC and FICE courses each year and accreditation, is available in all 4 regions. 

Culture of ICM training in Scotland

Amongst trainers and trainees, there is a proactive approach to ICM training in Scotland. The training programmes continue to score highly as part of the NES Quality Improvement review process and in national surveys. Trainee welfare and support is of paramount importance, and programme leads are receptive and responsive to suggestions, issues and concerns raised by trainees. There are trainee representatives within each regional Speciality Trainee Training Committee, the Specialty Training Board and SICS council, ensuring trainees have a voice, that can be heard. LTFT is supported and encouraged and significant progress has been made by the Scotland-wide programme, in expanding trainee numbers and funding.

Scotland is an area of outstanding beauty, and a fantastic and friendly place to live and work. It is blessed with an abundance of opportunities, that readily lend themselves to optimising work-life balance.