Applications for the March 2025 FFICM OSCE/SOE are open from 9am on Monday 9th December 2024 and will close at 5pm on Friday 31st Jan 2025

Apply here.


Please click here to view the FFICM Exam Regulations and review the eligibility requirements for this exam.

You must pass the MCQ before you can apply for the OSCE/SOE. The MCQ is valid for three years.

SOE objective

The objective of the SOE section is to test knowledge in clinical science as applied to the practice of Intensive Care Medicine. The focus will usually be on clinical problems.

SOE structure

The SOE will consist of four, fourteen minute stations, with two questions being asked in each station, there will be a two minute waiting period between each station. 

Each question is marked independently by two examiners. Questions will be selected across all domains to ensure as wide a coverage of the curriculum as possible.


The examiners will use a three point grading system with marks allocated as follows:

  • Pass = 2
  • Borderline = 1
  • Fail = 0

There are eight questions in total, with two examiners marking each question, 8x2x2 = 32 marks available in total.  The pass mark will be set using methods approved by the GMC and will be in the range of 80% - 85% which is in line with all other Medical Colleges and Faculties.

For the first sitting the OSCE and SOE components must be taken together.  If a candidate fails one but passes the other component, then only the failed component needs to be retaken.  If a candidate fails both components then they must be retaken together.

Standard setting

SOE questions are subjected to an Angoff process (undertaken by the SOE sup-group of examiners) in order to establish the question difficulty; this is to aid question selection but is not used to establish the pass mark.

Borderline regression is used to establish the pass mark for the SOE exam.  Each examiner awards a separate score for a candidate’s answers to the two questions in that station, then awards an overall global score for their performance in the station. The total score for a candidate in the exam is the sum of individual question scores. The pass mark for the exam is determined by borderline regression of the question scores against global scores for all candidates. 

In addition to our main standard setting methods that are used in the examination, the exam also has secondary and backup standard setting methods to either check or to control for any changes in the delivery or format of the examination.


Please read the following guidance before booking

  • Eligibility: The detailed rules for eligibility can be found in the FFICM Examination Regulations 
  • Disclosure of information: Under the Data Protection Act (C.12), the information provided on this form and your examination result may be processed and passed to examiners, your ICM Regional Advisor, ICM Training Programme Director, Postgraduate Dean, employer, etc. for legitimate purposes connected with your training. If you are registered or anticipate being registered with the GMC then your personal data, including data about your exam results, will be passed to the GMC if applicable. This passing of data is for quality assurance and research purposes and to facilitate the awarding of certificates of completion of training (CCTs). The GMC will use the data for its own research and for any research as part of the UK Medical Education Database (www.ukmed.ac.uk). Data held in UKMED will only be disclosed to third parties in accordance with the UKMED Research Process and therefore it will not be possible for researchers to identify your data. All data will be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act (C.12) and the RCoA/GMC Confidentiality and Data Sharing Agreement.
  • Adequately prepared for this exam: Online applications received by the College will be accepted as an indication that the applicant is adequately prepared for the examination applied for.
  • All FFICM Final OSCE and SOE examinations are conducted in English: Where a candidate’s first language is not English, the College recommends that an applicant’s  communication and written skills in English are at least equivalent to the level at which a doctor could successfully pass the PLAB (Professional Linguistics Assessment Board) tests or at a level where they would expect to gain an average score of approximately 7.5/9 across all bands of the IELTS (International English Language Testing System).
  • Secure pay link: You will be directed to a secure pay link to pay your exam fees via the online booking system. Should you experience any difficulties with this, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Withdrawals before the closing date may receive the full fee paid. Candidates withdrawing after the closing date may be entitled to a full refund, providing the request is made within 14 days of receipt of the application. For withdrawals greater than 14 days, the refund is subject to an admin fee. A candidate who withdraws in any other circumstance within 7 working days of an exam date, including non-issue of entry visas or failure to appear for an examination, will not be entitled to any refund of fee. Exceptional circumstances will be considered on receipt of written evidence. Fees cannot be deferred from one exam to another. 

Documentation for your exam entry and results

  • Admission notice: You should receive an email from the RCoA’s Exams Department, confirming you are booked onto the exam around 5 working days after the closing date of the exam. The email will confirm the timing of your exam and your email address will be the unique identifier on the online platform. 
  • Results: All candidates will be e-mailed directly with their FFICM examination results by the date and time published on the Results page. Feedback will be provided to candidates in the form of a ‘results letter’ which will provide you with a more detailed breakdown of your scores. No further breakdown is available. This will be e-mailed within 21 working days of the release day of results.
  • Guidance interviews can be requested after your second unsuccessful attempt at the FFICM OSCE and SOE exam. If you would like a guidance interview please contact the Exams department via e-mail at FacultyExams@rcoa.ac.uk

Do you still have questions?

For any questions not covered above, please contact the Exams team.