Assessment Forms

Supervised Learning Event (SLE) Assessment Forms

Alongside examinations, the ICM CCT programme of assessment encompasses formative assessments (Supervised Learning Events) in the workplace, with a focus on trainee-trainer discussion and reflection to guide learning in clinical scenarios, and professional judgements used to demonstrate that trainees meet the standards expected of them at each stage of training, eventually leading to a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT).

The 2021 ICM curriculum purposeful move away from the ‘tick-box’ culture associated with workplace-based assessments alongside the shift from a competency-based to an outcomes-based curriculum. It is more clear what purpose assessments within the workplace serve within the overall assessment strategy, including how feedback from assessments contributes to decisions regarding progression of training.

Assessments within the programme have been carefully considered to ensure that they are valid, that is, each test has a clear purpose that is appropriate to the capability being demonstrated, and that the evidence base to support the choice of assessment methodology has been critically reviewed. Additionally, the assessment burden has been reduced where possible.

All of the new SLE forms are incorporated into the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLP), with StR and Trainer required to complete different sections of the forms. All SLE forms should be completed and approved via the LLP wherever possible.

Multiple Consultant Report

Following the transition to the 2021 ICM Curriculum: Supporting Excellence, and the change to an outcomes-based approach to determining progression through specialist training, there is more of an onus on the Educational Supervisors (ESs) to make overarching, holistic judgements on whether the expected curriculum outcomes are being met at the relevant stage of training. To help support this decision making, the Curriculum Implementation Group have developed the Multiple Consultant Report (MCR) tool, which seeks triangulating information from as many consultants as possible that the doctor has been working with.

Piloting and development

The MCR tool was piloted across 2021 and 2022.. Feedback was sought from all Educational Supervisors, RAs, trainers, trainees and consultants using the form. We correlated these responses and adapted the forms as appropriate. Changes include:

  • Removed anymisation of responses
  • Simplified the sections for more relevant user friendly documentation
  • Adapted the layout and font to allow more easy reading
  • Simplified the responses to three outcomes for clarity

FICMTAQ are happy that the year long process has allowed full engagement in the design and utilisation of these forms. We remain the only institution to actively involve its trainees and educators in the development of this form.

Current status

The FICM requests that the MCR continue to be used by all regions as their means of obtaining triangulating consultant faculty views. The information gathered to date will inform a request to the GMC to add to FICM’s Assessment Strategy for the new curriculum, and subsequently the LLP ePortfolio. We will communicate these updates as they are approved and developed. 


MCR workflow

  1. Before sending the MCR Form to consultants for feedback, Specialty Registrars (StRs) or ESs should complete the first four boxes (including their names and the ES's email address) so they know who they are evaluating and where to send their feedback. 
  2. The MCR Form should be sent by the local ES (or Clinical Supervisor (CS), if the ES is remote to the hospital) to all the consultants in the unit the StR is working at to minimise bias
  3. Completed MCR Forms should be emailed directly to the ES/CS for collation. This should be done in good time ahead of the ES needing to make HiLLO judgments and/or write an ESSR (or end of placement report in the case of a CS).
  4. The MCR Summary Report including a collation of all the consultant feedback received should be created by the ES (we would recommend you keep adding to an e-master copy until the feedback exercise is considered complete). 
  5. The ES will use the findings to help make their HiLLO judgements and write an ESSR (or for a CS to write an end of placement report).
  6. The final MCR Summary Report should be sent by the ES as a signed PDF copy to the StR, having first discussed it with them, so it can be uploaded to their LLP
  7. StRs should save the MCR Summary Report as a Personal Activity under the Activity Type ‘Consultant Feedback’ and link it to any relevant HiLLOs in the curriculum. They should ensure the Personal Activity is saved so that is visible on any future ESSRs. 

2010 Curriculum Assessment Forms

Trainees completing their training on the previous 2010 ICM curriculum are expected to undertake Workplace Based Assessment (WPBA). These assessment tools were issued as part of the then-new curriculum manual in 2012 and subsequently updated in 2014.

Please note that whilst the ACAT is an accepted assessment for ICM training, the form and its associated guidance are created and maintained by the JRCPTB - the version used as part of the 2010 curriculum was last updated in 2010. Please click here for further information.

Joint CCT Assessments

If you are looking for sign off forms for a block of training in Basic, Intermediate or Advanced ICM, these can be found within the Joint CCT Curriculum Manuals.

Do you have questions about assessment?

If so, please contact the Faculty.